6 - pretty perfect day

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After a long day of classes, the girls crashed on the sofas next to the fire in the common room. Taking care to protect her broken ribs, Emmy lay with her feet on top of Dory on the biggest sofa. They felt like they were grating against each other with every movement but the pain had thankfully lessened over the day.

"You know, I've heard the boys are planning another prank next week," said Alice, a hint of mischief in her voice. "Frank was moaning about them waking him up last night talking about it."

They looked up in interest and she continued with a wicked smile,

"Thought I'd take the liberty to list some possible ideas for our own pranks. What do you think?"

"I think it's time we get some revenge, don't you?" said Dory grinning.

Marlene looked like she was about to burst, "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment! Wait a minute!"

She jumped up and rushed to the dormitory.

Emmy took the paper from Alice and began reading through it with amusement.

Some of the ideas sounded brilliant, and not just for pranking the boys back but for certain other teachers and students...

Marlene ran back into the room clasping a bulging book filled with scraps of paper. She thudded it down on the coffee table and they crowded around in excitement.

"I never thought you'd ask, but I these ideas down in case we ever had a need for them."

As she flicked through the pages, Emmy caught sight of hundreds of prank ideas, each more brilliant than the last.

"I suggest we start with this one," Marlene said confidently her finger striking a page about halfway through.

Self-slapping school ties.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," Alice cackled.


The next morning in Herbology with the Slytherins, they each took a target for their spells. Lily had Rosier, Marlene had Avery, Alice went for Crouch, Mary for Mulciber and Emmy for their ringleader, Bellatrix Black.

They had called Lily a mudblood one too many times to avoid the girls' wrath by their first prank.

As each spell was quietly cast to be performed when the wearer of the ties simply said the word 'what,' Professor Laurus energetically discussed the properties of the Raskovnik plant.

Returning to their work benches, the girls cast smug grins across the classroom.

It was only when Emmy noticed Remus looking at her with a knowing smirk across his face that she realised they might have been caught in the act, especially when he murmured something to Sirius who was standing next to him, who looked up at her sharply and grinned.


Merely half an hour at lunchtime, their efforts were rewarded in multitude as Evan Rosier was smacked in the face by his own tie.

The Slytherin table went silent as they all turned to look. Mulciber spoke up.

"What just happened?" 

And it happened again.

By this point, the entire Gryffindor table had caught on to what was happening and were laughing raucously.

As the furious Slytherins tried to stop their ties from whacking them in the face, trying to work out what was going on, Emmy caught Remus' eye across the table as he laughed hysterically at their reactions.

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