63 - nothing

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Her breath came fast and heavy as she sprinted through the trees, keeping the manor in sight up ahead.

People were staggering out the front door, some were slung between their comrades while others were simply fleeing for their lives. Death-eaters flew in dark smoke from the crater in the roof, running from the destruction.

She swung open the towering front gates and sprinted up the drive, gravel churning with each frantic step. Heart racing, she began to recognise familiar faces. Alice and Hestia were kneeling over Frank's unconscious body, desperately screaming for help. They were both in tears by the time Emmy reached them, he was unnaturally pale, chest barely moving.

She skidded to her knees and immediately put pressure on the wound. She tied a tourniquet around the top of his thigh and checked his pulse was strong enough before tipping a couple drops of blood-replenishing potion into his mouth. Ever so slowly, they watched as the colour began to return to his face, his breath grew steadier and deeper.

"He's going to be okay, but we need to get him to St. Mungo's right now. Alright?"

Alice threw her arms around Emmy.

"Thank you, thank you so much," she said, face wet with tears. Emmy squeezed her tightly before pulling away and making sure he was in the right position for moving. She glanced up at the renewed screams from inside.

"Go on, Emmy, we'll be okay!" Hestia called at her hesitation. She nodded gratefully before slinging her bag onto her back and taking off, sprinting up the stairs two at a time.

She fought against the tide of people streaming out of the house, some dripping blood or cradling broken limbs, but if they were able to walk they had a good chance of surviving the apparition to St. Mungo's at least. 

Spells ricocheted off walls and blasted out the windows, taking death-eaters and Order member alike with them, multiple limp bodies tossed across the gravel outside.

People were duelling in the foyer and up the two staircases that framed the room; witches and wizards from both sides lay unconscious or screaming on the floor and she hurriedly tried to work out who was most severely injured.

She dodged what felt like hundreds of spells in the short distance she ran to where Edgar Bones lay, his breath rasping with each inhale, too weak to even cry out for help. His eyes were wild like an injured animals and he gasped desperately at the sight of her, relief flooding his face when he realised there was someone who could help him.

With a twisting flourish of her wand, she managed to reopen his airways, allowing fresh oxygen in and pulled him to sit up against the wall as she healed the splintered ribs that were puncturing his lung. She was panting with effort from the physical exertion of running and the effort of pushing the ribs was into place, desperately wondering how she was going to be able to drag him the five or so meters over to the fireplace to floo him to St. Mungo's when Remus spotted her, brow furrowing.

"Emmy!" he yelled, fending off Rabastan Lestrange. "What're you doing here? You alright?"

She leapt to her feet and with both of them fighting they managed to overpower him quickly, disarming and knocking him out with twin flicks of their wands.

He raced over to her, realising quickly what they need to do.

"Can you pull him from under his shoulders and I'll keep his lungs stable as we move him?"

"Of course," he nodded. Wiping hands slick with blood on his jeans, he pulled Edgar up just enough to drag him to the hearth and they sent him off in a flash of green.

"What're you doing here? You're going to give Sirius a heart attack!"

"He'll get over it," she tried to joke as they were forced into a duel again, this time against Lucius Malfoy who looked particularly aggrieved about his house being blown apart. "Besides, there was no way you didn't need me after that hole was blown in the roof."

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