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"And he says you look beautiful tonight,
And I feel perfectly fine.

But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain,
And it's two a.m. and I'm cursing your name.

You're so in love that you act insane, and that's the way I love you."


On the last day of term, Emmy awoke to find snow blanketing the castle like fondant icing. The whole world felt ethereal and serene as she spotted owls flitting through the trees and around towers.

Christmas truly was her favourite time of the year. Nothing could compare to the smell of a crackling fire and limitless mince pies, sitting under the tree and listening to songs recorded fifty years ago, and the way people were just a little kinder than usual.

Butterflies rose up inside her at the thought of being back in Waterfleet later that day. She and Remus were going back home for a few days and then join James' family for Christmas Day. It would be the first time she'd been since the day after their father's funeral and she was glad she had some company this time.

The others woke up half an hour later and proceeded to run around the room, frantically trying to pack for the next two weeks before they could head down to breakfast.

They practically ran to the Great Hall, laughing and joking all the way, past the huge fir trees covered in swathes of twinkling lights and easily a hundred baubles each. Paper chains decorated every portrait and garlands of holly and evergreen ran along the staircases filled with mistletoe and red berries.

It was a sight that made Emmy's heart spill open with happiness every time she took it in. She couldn't quite describe the feeling; it sounded stupid, but Christmas really did make her cry.

The Astrals sat down next to the other 5th years and began tucking into the breakfast feast; glistening pigs in blankets and trifle were new editions to the menu, leftovers from the farewell meal they'd had the night before.

The Gryffindors had held their annual snowball fight yesterday and everyone was suitable exhausted and aching that morning, but Emmy and Sirius were both enjoying not being at war with each other and hadn't stopped talking and messing around together for the rest of the day.

They were close and chatting quietly as they soaked in the giddy atmosphere when Emmy heard a cough from behind them.

Dirk stood there with a wide grin on his face and a beautifully wrapped Christmas present with a huge sign on it reading 'WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?"

The entire table went quiet as Emmy's face fell. She was stunned, this couldn't be happening.

"Dirk, I..." she stuttered, straightening up and hurriedly moving away from Sirius. She didn't know what to say. She so desperately didn't want to embarrass him in front of the entire school, but she knew she couldn't say yes.

She stood up and touched Dirk's arm, "Can I talk to you somewhere a little more private?"

"What? No, I want to ask you this here in front of all our friends. Emeline Lupin, will you be my girlfriend, officially? You truly are the most kind, beautiful, patient person I've ever known. You're perfect," he said simply.

She could see Remus' concerned face over his shoulder and worst of all, the look on Sirius'.

Realising she had no choice she said as quietly as possible, "Dirk, I'm so sorry. I just can't do this anymore."

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