52 - St. Mungo's

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A week passed and they were once again standing around the Potter's kitchen table. It was a balmy evening and the back door was wide open to let the fresh air in. Emmy leant against the doorframe next to Caradoc, still nursing his wounds from Monday night.

"How are you healing up?" she asked quietly.

"Oh I'm alright, just glad you two didn't get hurt. Dumbledore would have had my head," he replied.

Emmy snorted.

"Anyway, we don't think the listening shells have been discovered yet. We've found out some good information from them so far, Molly's been listening in for hours every day."

"That's something at least, I don't even know how we missed them entering the perimeter."

"We reckon they apparated straight into the front porch, that way no one would see them all arrive. Besides, I don't think anyone's too angry, the Order didn't take any damage anyway."

Emmy raised a sceptical eyebrow at Caradoc's still healing injuries. She herself had gained more than a few scrapes and bruises.

"You know what I mean. When does you're medwitch training start by the way? Next time, you can patch us up yourself," he teased.

"I start on Monday, I'm working with Brianna Tremlett. You know her?"

A roguish smile appeared on his face and he looked down, giving a small laugh.

"Yeah, I know Brianna," he murmured.

Emmy laughed.

"You're so damn obvious," she smirked with a roll of her eyes. "You guys got history?"

He sighed, "She's the one that got away."

Emmy grinned. "Ah, I see. Still got a thing for her?"

"Always will," he smiled.

Emmy attention was caught as the fireplace lit up green again and Alice and Frank tumbled into the room.

Alice hugged Emmy tightly as she helped her up.

"Oh, I've missed you so much," she mumbled into her shoulder.

"Me too, it's so good to see you."

Dumbledore spoke from the other end of the room.

"I'd like to introduce our two newest members of the Order, Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue. Thank you both for being here," he announced, a proud look in his eye.

"It was the least we could do," Frank replied and Alice nodded in agreement.

The chatter rose up again as they waited for the final few to arrive and the recent Hogwarts graduates congregated together. 

"We also have something to announce..." Alice said, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

She put her hand out and everyone erupted in cheers of delight.

The glimmering diamond engagement ring on her finger was impossible not to notice. Alice was practically glowing with happiness and Frank beamed at her as everyone crowded round, overjoyed at their news.

As everyone settled down again, Dumbledore stood up to begin the meeting.

Emmy found herself wedged between Lily and Remus as Dumbledore started updating the Order on what progress they'd made in the past week. Sirius was standing beside James on the other side of the table. He looked awful, dark shadows bloomed under his eyes and his clothes were marked and scruffy.

Emmy narrowed her eyes, she'd heard Dumbledore had finally allowed him out on a mission a couple of nights ago but she hadn't seen him since the last meeting a week ago.

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