36 - the Singing Seagull Inn

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Warning: This chapter describes symptoms similar to those of post-traumatic stress disorder. If you are not in the right place to read that at this time, please just message me and I'll send you a summary. If anyone notices any other chapters where you think there should be a warning beforehand, please let me know!


The Hogwarts Express was silent on the way back from school that year. The Astrals sat together in the second to last compartment, missing Dorcas and the usual excitement of going home for the summer holidays.

Emmy was leaning back in her seat, head resting against the window. She was tired and felt overwhelmingly emotional. The adrenaline from just four days ago had finally worn off and her injuries were starting to drain her both physically and mentally.

She had said goodbye to Mira at the station; she could remember the look on her face the first time she'd ran through onto Platform 9 and ¾ and it had been a similar look in her eyes, a bit lost and lonely. It remained on Emmy's mind for the rest of the journey.

All of a sudden Marlene burst into a loud coughing fit and Alice flinched violently, her box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans scattering across the floor.

"Sorry!" yelped Marlene as she dived down to help them pick up the sweets.

Emmy reached forwards to pick up what was either an earwax or toffee bean when she realised Alice's hands were shaking.

"You ok?" she asked quietly. Then she realised tears were soaking her cheeks and stopped to engulf her friend into her arms. The others froze when they saw what had happened, and Lily rested a hand on Alice's back, drawing closer.

"I just... I just can't stop thinking about it. The blood... the blood was everywhere... on my hands... my hands."

"It's okay, it's okay."

That was all she could manage to say. It had a thousand meanings, a thousand things she wanted to say but couldn't find the words to. And Alice understood. That was the best sort of friendship, and the outcome of years of fierce loyalty.

Lily helped Alice up to sit beside her.

"You're going to be fine," she mumbled. Exchanging exhausted glances, the rest of them sat back and slumped against the seats.

They were about half an hour from King's Cross when Emmy spoke again.

"What would you all think about us all going on a holiday together this year? I just think we all need one, we've been through so much this year."

"I don't know if it's such a great idea-"

"I'm coming," Marlene interrupted Lily, "I agree with Emmy, what else are we going to do this summer apart from mope around the house?"

"She's got a point," said Alice quietly, "We all need some time away and to be together after this."

"I suppose... as long as it's safe."

"As safe as we'd be at home," Marlene replied.

"Could Frank and the Marauders come too?" asked Alice.

"I suppose, as long as everyone was ok with that?"

They all nodded. The room had brightened up significantly.

"So where would you want to go?" asked Lily.

The rest of the journey was spent planning their trip, they roped in the boys to help with the logistics and they were all too happy to help. The Potter's had a couple of huge tents they could use, and Lily and Marlene would drive the Evans' campervan down to the Cornwall to meet them there. Filled with newfound excitement, they stepped off the train eager to see each other a week later.

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