23 - the first task

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Dear Emeline,

Fleamont and I were so pleased to hear you have been selected as Hogwarts' champion for the Triwizard Tournament. We simply couldn't be prouder of you.

However, we are concerned about your mental wellbeing with this extra stress at school. It can't be easy balancing the schoolwork and the expectations put on you from the students and indeed the wider wizarding community.

Please let us know if you are struggling at all and we will come straight to the school and speak to Professor Dippet on your behalf.

I know we haven't known you very long, but I do care for you and your brother, and if there's anything you want to talk about or need help with then please send an owl.

I hope you're keeping James out of trouble, though I appreciate how difficult that must be! Give our love to Sirius, Peter and of course your dear brother.

With love,

Euphemia Potter

Emmy folded over the letter and pushed it into her pocket, its bashed edges bringing comfort at her fingertips. She had read it what seemed like a hundred times since it had arrived a couple days ago.

James had been mortified that has mum had started sending Emmy mail too, but on seeing the happy smile on her face he'd stopped complaining straight away.

He instead asked, "I'm going to have to get used to being the second favourite child now, won't I?"

She couldn't remember the last time someone had cared for her in this way. Of course Professor McGonagall always looked out for her, having become a great deal of help with the chaos of the tournament and for the occasional cup of tea in her office, but Euphemia was a soft motherly figure that she loved having look out for her.

Emmy was on her way down to the breakfast with Sirius on the morning of the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. They'd decided to head out before everyone else and go to the quidditch pitch for some warm-ups.

The task was taking place by the Black Loch apparently, and Bellatrix had spent hours theorising about what the task could be the night before to Emmy's boredom and now exhaustion.

"You're going to be ok," reassured Sirius as she grew more tense with every step.

"You don't know that, Sirius," she replied ruefully.

He stopped suddenly and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close and resting his head on top of hers.

"You're just going to have to trust me then," he murmured.

And she felt safe again, burying her face in the crook of his shoulder, his jumper soft against her face.

"I'm so scared, Sirius," she murmured, a moment of vulnerability seeping through her facade.

"Then I'll be here for you. I always be here, and I'd tear the world apart with my bare hands if they ever tried to take you from me."

"That's a bit dramatic," she giggled, wiping her tears away.

"Nothing's too dramatic when it comes to you," he replied.

They continued down to the pitch slowly and ran drills until the sun rose up into the sky, illuminating them in golden sunlight.


With forty-five minutes to spare, they walked down to the Black Loch among some early spectators. Mira was among them and she sprinted over as soon as she caught sight of Emmy.

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