32 - miss me?

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Reality came in and out of focus.

One moment Sirius was above her shouting her name, lips pressed to her forehead, the next he was picking her up and running, agony flooding through every inch of her body. A moment later came the sound of Ministry of Magic officials shouting, teachers panicking and her friends sobbing.

Emmy had faint memories of being placed on one of the hospital beds; medics, politicians and professors whirled around her in a sea of chaos. She caught Sirius' eye and they were awash with tears.

She could hear the panicked voice of Professor McGonagall ordering people out the way and Sirius calling her name, telling her not to close her eyes but she was... just... so...


The silence of the hospital wing was deafening; that's to say there were plenty of people talking and sheets rustling, but the muteness of it was crushing.

Remus was at her bedside, but he didn't wake up as she moved. Her hand was gripped tightly in his, and his head rested on the edge of the mattress next to it.

Thin white curtains had been pulled around the bed, but the edges of them were stained with tiny specks of blood and the bandages wrapped around her wounds were beginning to soak through.

She shifted to sit upright and Remus woke up groggily. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he smiled softly as he realised she was awake.

"How're you feeling?" he asked cautiously.

She opened her mouth to speak but only rasps came out. It took her a few seconds to speak.

"It just hurts, but I'm fine now," she whispered, resting her aching head back against the pillows.

"I... I thought I'd lost you," he croaked, voice cracking with emotion. Emmy reached out a hand to wipe the tears from his eyes, and he held it against his face, leaning into her touch.

"You almost died."

Emmy winced, "Was it that bad?"

It took him a moment before he could answer,

"You lost a lot of blood. Then there were the broken bones and dislocations. You've been unconscious for six days, so just take it easy ok?"

Emmy groaned, that was six whole days that she'd never get back.

"I should probably go and get Madam Pomfrey, she'll want to know you're awake. I'll be back in a minute," he said, kissing her forehead softly.

"Wait, Remus. Is Sirius around?" she called as he began moving the curtains back.

"Is Sirius around?" he laughed incredulously. "Yeah, he's been camped outside the hospital wing with everyone else since the tournament. I should probably go and put them out of their misery."

Madam Pomfrey bustled over a few minutes later and opened the curtains, checking her over with a motherly tenderness. She had just begun to change the bandages on her shoulder when there was a loud shout and Sirius came charging into the hospital wing, the Astrals, Marauders and Prewett twins at his heels.

Her heart leapt at the sight of them and she grinned despite the pain but before they could reach her, Madam Pomfrey stood up and pulled the curtain firmly around the bed.

Emmy could hear her berating them from the other side and tried desperately to stand up to reach them, but it was no use. Her legs were shaking and spikes of hot pain shot up from her feet as she swung them over the side of the bed.

Holding tightly to the back of a chair she eased herself up slowly. A quiet whimper left her mouth and the raucous went silent outside before a dangerous-looking Madam Pomfrey rushed back through the curtains.

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