39 - quidditch season

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WARNING: this chapters contain references to PTSD and its symptoms. i've tried really hard to research this to create an accurate portrayal, but as I am obviously not an expert it's possible that i've missed something! if there's something you notice or think I should change, please just let me know.


It was the tenth of October when the first quidditch match of the year, between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, was scheduled. It was a surprisingly mild day and, although there was thick cloud, it didn't look like it was going to rain any time soon.

Their nerves were on edge as they heard the crowds roaring in the stands as they waited in the changing rooms. Sirius was taping up Emmy's hands as James gave his pep talk to the team.

"Just remember all the technique we've been practising, and bloody well use it if you don't want to pay for consolatory drinks if we lose. Which we won't," he added nervously.

"It's going to be fine, Potter," said Gideon, "The Ravenclaws couldn't practise last year either, plus that wicked chaser of theirs left last year, didn't she?"

"Nope," James replied, "Higgs is back this year, she's only sixth year."

Emmy shuddered at the memory of playing against the Ravenclaws two years ago. Their chasers, Cromley, Bones and Higgs, had been ferocious and the latter was well known for her aggressive tactics and quick-thinking on the pitch. Emmy had actually quite liked her fieriness and admired her quidditch skills greatly, but she'd made it a nightmare to get anywhere near the goals.

"I've heard she doesn't get on with one of the other chasers though, they had a fallout during the summer. We could use that to our advantage," suggested Marlene.

"Exactly, make sure you get them in positions where they might have to pass to each other and see what happens, we'll work something out at half time."

Emmy nodded in agreement, it seemed to be worth the risk. Sirius finished off her tape and kissed her quickly before standing up to stretch his arms.

"Right, keep focused guys, and stay safe out there but you know don't focus on the safety part too much if you think you can make a great play," said James before Franks punched his arm.

The wind howled around them as they walked out to meet the Ravenclaws. They were a vision in cobalt blue, a force to be reckoned with, but the cheers added fuel to the fire in the Gryffindors as they faced their opponents.

Higgs nodded her head to Emmy as they neared, there had been many people talking about them both facing each other again. They were the only two female chasers playing, Kingsley Shacklebolt could be heard saying it was the face-off of the season through the speakers.

She spotted him up in the teacher's stand next to an excited-looking Professor McGonagall waving her Gryffindor flag. She could see the Astrals yelling and screaming to the bemusement of everyone around them, Remus and Peter were creating a similar ruckus a few rows behind.

Within minutes they were up in the air and Emmy was speeding towards the goals, quaffle tucked tightly under her arm, when she was hit with a force to her left side.

Higgs had shoved into her and was now swooping underneath to hit her from the other side.

With no other choice, Emmy dove down in the other direction, having to zigzag around the Ravenclaw beaters before she could fully regain her balance.

James raced down to meet her and she hurled the ball to him before tumbling off onto the grass.

She sat up as she saw Sirius catch the quaffle from him and score. Over the cheers she could hear James yelling at Fabian and Gideon to get Higgs away from Emmy. Marlene flew over offering her a hand to stand up.

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