50 - graduation

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The Hogwarts class of 1978 sat in rows in the Great Hall waiting for the graduation ceremony too begin. Excited voices rose into the rafters and the floating candles burned brighter than ever, seeming to be brought alive by the gathering of students underneath.

Emmy sat a couple of rows from the front and she looked around as the the student's parents arrive. She would have loved to see her father making his way to a seat, his usual thick woollen jumper on and the secretive smile that she saw so rarely lighting up his face but her heart swelled as she spotted Euphemia and Fleamont waved enthusiastically from the doorway. A few minutes later, Fleamont hurried over with a camera.

"Hello my dear! How are you doing?" he whispered furtively as he motioned for James and the others to move closer for the photo. He glanced over his shoulder at a mildly disapproving Professor McGonagall but raised a hand in greeting which she returned. "We'll get some proper photographs afterwards but Euphemia sent me over to take some of you all now!"

They all grinned as they posed for the picture, bunching together. Emmy stilled as she felt a familiar arm around her shoulders and glanced over to see Sirius standing behind her. With a radiant smile on herface, she twined her fingers into his and leant closer.

Fleamont disappeared back to Euphemia as Dippet began his speech and they all settled back down.

Emmy was barely listening, soaking in these last few moments of serenity. She looked either side of her, trying to memorise every fold of uniform, each restless movement, the lines on people's faces and the way the light shone in through the gleaming windows. If she could have stayed in that moment forever, she would have.

It was the end of an era, the last moments of safety before they were thrust into adulthood. Finally, Dumbledore had agreed to let them join the Order of the Phoenix after months of training. Their induction was next month and for once, Emmy was feeling excited about putting herself in imminent danger. She was well aware of the purebloods' parents sitting behind them, many of them death-eaters, many of them sympathisers. She wondered how long it would be before she saw them across the battlefield.

Lily nudged her shoulder.

"You alright?"

Emmy nodded.

"I'm just going to miss this place a lot."

"I know what you mean," Lily replied with a small sigh, resting her head on Emmy's shoulder.

After a moment she spoke again.

"Everything's going to change isn't it?"

"I think it already has, Lils."

They were quiet again as Dippet finished his speech and he bowed his head as the applause resounded; they were all aware that the world might not look so similar by the time graduation came around next year.

Professor McGonagall made her way over to where he had been standing and cleared her throat, hands resting gingerly on the gilded lectern at the front of the hall.

"I would just like to say a few words before you all go. For me, it has truly been an honour to teach all of you these past years and I have to admit that while I have taught you a great many things I feel I have learned a lot from all of you in that time as well..."

She stopped for a second and looked around the room, almost unsure if she should continue.

"You've taught me how important it is to not take things for granted, to explore the most difficult things in life... to find hope in the darkest of times... and most importantly, to always check above me before I walk through a doorway. I have been caught out one too many times by Mr Potter."

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