55 - I'll be there

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In a flurry of feathers and squawks, the morning's post arrived. A thick cream envelope was at the top of the pile and Emmy opened it curiously as she made breakfast.

To Miss Emeline Lupin and Miss Lily Evans,

Mr Arthur S. Weasley and Miss Molly M. Prewett request the pleasure of your company to celebrate the occasion of their marriage on September 19th, 1978 at The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon.

Reception to follow.

She made a note to herself to ask for the day off next time she was at work; she wouldn't miss it for the world.

She smiled to herself and sat down to write the RSVP. Lily was over at the Marauders' new flat helping James move into Sirius' old room so she had the place to herself that morning. She turned her music up and set about catching up with some housework before settling on the sofa with a book and steaming cup of coffee. As the clock chimed twelve, she stood up and readied herself to leave the flat.

She'd agreed to meet Mary for lunch at her favourite café down the road. She would have been looking forward to it if it weren't for the nerves trickling up her spine.

It wasn't a secret that she hadn't joined the Order when the rest of them had, they expected she might wait a few weeks and then sign up but four months had passed and none of them had heard more than a few letters from her.

Emmy tucked her hands into her denim jacket, shivering despite the sunshine.

The door opened with a jingle and she immediately spotted her friend in her pink jumper and corduroy jeans. Mary beamed up at her and stood to give her a tight hug.

"Oh Emmy, it's so good to see you!" she exclaimed.

"You too, I've been missing you nicking my toast at breakfast," she laughed.

"Hey, who has the time to butter their own?" Her eyes danced.

"Well, I've been missing you anyway," she replied as they sat down. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Mary looked across the table uncertainly.

"Straight to the point then?"

"I figured if you tell me outright then we can enjoy the rest of our lunch without it hanging over us."

She nodded, "Alright, I'm leaving the country."

Emmy started, "What? Leaving to go where?"

"I've got a job in the Magical Creatures department of the Ministry and there's an opening for a researcher based in Norway."

"Norway? That's so far away!"

"That's... kind of the point."

"What do you mean?" Emmy stuttered, mind whirling trying to understand what she was saying.

"It's too dangerous here, I'm a muggleborn witch with known relations to members of the Order of the Pheonix, it's a ticking time bomb waiting to happen."

"Do you not want to fight this? Or are you happy just running from the war?"

"There is no war in Norway, Emmy!"

"It's only a matter of time. The Dark Lord's almost taken the Ministry and MACUSA looks soon to follow, you can't keep outrunning him."

"That's not fair, Emmy. I need somewhere safe to live, I'm a target here and so are you. What will the Dark Lord do if he finds out Sirius Black's still in love with you. He's the last member of the Black family, that hasn't joined him. There's a bounty on his head and you're the easiest way to get to him."

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