64 - completely, untiringly, irrevocably

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Six days later, James and Remus helped Sirius up the steep rickety steps to the flat, Emmy and Lily following behind with the bags from the hospital. They soon got him settled on the sofa, Sirius desperately trying to hide the pain he was in, but Emmy noticed immediately and knelt next to him, pain-relieving potion in hand.

The others gingerly stood back and Lily promptly headed over to the kitchen to put on some soup to warm them up.

It had been a miracle the healers had let them leave so soon but it had helped that she and Brianna, who she later found out had been trapped and passed out in the binds of an incarcerous spell early in the battle, had worked with most of them before.

Besides, they trusted them both enough to make sure Sirius would be well cared for, although she had a sneaking suspicion that as soon as they had caught sight of his dark mark they had wanted him out.

She didn't blame them of course, but even Sirius could hardly bare to look at it, covering it with charms as best he could most days.

Nevertheless, Emmy was still recovering herself. She was four months pregnant and had been through a lot that night too; violently purple bruises covered her back and small cuts littered her knees and shins from where she'd knelt in the rubble and glass trying to save their fighters. While the physical wounds would disappear soon, it would be a long time for the mental ones to heal.

Lunch was subdued and Sirius was obviously exhausted so their friends left soon after, Lily hugging Emmy extra tightly, making her promise to send an owl if they needed anything at all.

While they both appreciated their friends' help more than anything, it was a relief to finally have a moment alone together having been caught up in a whirl of healers and potions for the past few days. She nuzzled in beside him and he lifted an arm to hold her in close.

"How are you feeling, my love?" she murmured.

"I'm alright, Ems," he replied, kissing her softly. She inhaled his familiar comforting smell, tracing the new tattoo he'd just got last week on his neck. The inky black feathers of a phoenix rising over his shoulder peaked just over the top of his t-shirt.

"I thought I was going to lose you," she whispered.

"I'm so sorry," he replied lowly, shifting underneath her.

"For what?"

"For scaring you and for shouting when you came to help. You saved my life."

"Don't apologise for that, I was being reckless and dangerous," she admitted. "But I don't regret it for one moment."

"Merlin, if anything had happened to you..."

"Nothing happened, Sirius. That's the end of that sentence, alright?"

He nodded, brushing the hair from her forehead. The rest of the day passed quickly as they slept on the couch together, bright sunshine dying to glowing embers over the rooftops.


Sirius got better and better every day. As the weeks turned to months and the seasons began to shift from the last days of summer to a golden autumn, Emmy watched as the life began to return to him. At first, the greatest achievement was simply standing on his own then he managed to take small steps with crutches and soon she could barely keep him from assembling new furniture for the baby at all hours of the day.

James and Lily were round at least three times a week and Remus stopped in for dinner most nights to help around the house and keep their spirits up with news from the Order.

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