21 - strings of fate

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There were some things in life that you just had to do. Putting her name in the goblet of fire was one of them.

It felt like the strings of fate were pulling her towards it as she neared the flames.

She could hear everyone cheering, but the noise of the fire was overpowering, rippling through the air with an intensity she'd never felt before. With a deep breath she set her shoulders back and threw the paper in.

She turned around and raised both hands into the air, grin spread ecstatically across her face.

"That's my girl!" Marlene yelled, tugging her out of the circle and into a tight hug. She beamed at her friends as she was congratulated.

Then she caught Remus' eye from across the room. He gave her a tight smile and ducked his head down again.

"I'll just be a minute," she murmured distractedly and headed towards her brother. As she dodged around an excitable group of first years, she had to swerve to trip over a stray school bag and staggered into the table next to the boys.

"Alright there, Emmy?" joked James, "On the firewhisky already?"

"Oh shut it, Potter," she replied, rolling her eyes. "Remus, can I have a word?"

"Yeah, is everything ok?" he asked, standing up.

"Think so," she said, moving into the corridor. "Look I just wanted to talk to you about the tournament. I know you didn't want me entering," she started.

"Well, I didn't say that, I mean..." he fumbled.

"I understand, really I do. But I mean, I've done it now, and there's a high chance I won't get picked anyway, but if I do, I want to just make sure we're still good?"

He sighed and looked down at his folded arms, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, we're fine. There was no way I could have stopped you anyway, is there?" he said with a weak smile.

"No probably not," she smirked, pulling him into a hug. She buried her face into his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent. He was home now. They had spent countless days on their own doing up the cottage and talking about the years they had spent apart, trying to make up for the lost time.

Some sort of twin instincts had started to come back; they got good at sensing where the other was, what each other was going to say. They were close again, something they had both longed for, for years.

The sweet moment was interrupted by a loud shout from the Great Hall. Emmy raised her eyebrows and they sped back to find James arguing with McGonagall, face red with anger.

"But you can't just cancel quidditch!"

"I think you'll find I can, Mr Potter. There are simply not the facilities for it this year with the tournament taking place," she replied with a sympathetic smile.

"My life is over," groaned James and flopped back down onto the bench.

McGonagall chuckled fondly as she turned around and heading out of the hall past a cackling Emmy and Remus.

"Try to soften the blow, will you?" she asked them, brows furrowed.

"Yes, ma'am," replied Remus, holding the door for her.

She patted his shoulder and disappeared around the corner.

"Come on, he'll be crying himself to sleep for the next week," Remus said, heading into the hall.

Emmy shook her head, grinned and heading in after him.


At dinner that evening, everyone was too excited to eat. The goblet spat sparks high into the air, whipping the atmosphere into a frenzy.

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