31 - the Second Task

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Little bit of a gory chapter, read with caution! Just message me if you decide to skip it and want a quick summary.


The next day, Emmy woke up early and packed the last few things into her trunk. The house was already noisy and bustling as all seven of them attempted to get the luggage down to the entrance hall.

She loved James' house with its thick carpets, grand staircases and staggeringly tall windows. It sat on its own out in the countryside with sprawling views of the moor and mountains beyond across the horizon where, on a clear day, you could spot regal stags and soaring eagles in the glimmering light.

The house itself was located in the Lake District where the Potter family had moved from their townhouse in Liverpool when James was ten.

Emmy had on her comfiest bell-bottoms, tucked in one of the boys' sweaters and tied her hair up with a bandana. Everyone she passed on the stairs earned themselves a kiss on the cheek because today was going to be good day, she was certain.

She was in an extremely good mood that morning, not just because she'd woken up to the sound of Sirius' laughter and the smell of a full cooked breakfast, but because she was finally seeing the girls. A sense of normality could resume after the eventfulness of Christmas Eve and what had followed.

The sun shone spectacularly through the clouds as they bundled into the car. The journey down to Kings' Cross station went so quickly Emmy was sure some sort of magic had taken place, then realised she'd actually just fallen asleep on Sirius' shoulder.

They were greeted cheerily by their friends at the station. Music played the whole way to Hogwarts from the fifth years' carriage as they chatted and messed around.

Soon enough they'd arrived and made their way up the winding gravel road to the Great Hall for the feast. But while the torches blazed brightly, the light never quite filled the whole room. Nevertheless, they enjoyed the evening playing music in the common room and playing exploding snap.

The next couple of weeks were the usual; an almost boring repetition of last year. Except the snide comments from the Slytherins were so much worse. Sirius was the subject of many of them, as they passed him in the corridors they would mutter 'blood traitor' and 'filth' under their breath, occasionally shoving into him.

Emmy, Sirius, James, Remus and the Prewett twins were heading down to dinner one evening when they were confronted by a group of them.

Avery sauntered forward, dark hair slicked back and a sneer on his face.

"So, Black, how's it feel to be one of us?"

Sirius ignored him, stepping around the other Slytherins.

"Mate, what are they talking about?" asked Fabian, glaring at them, one hand on his wand.

"It's nothing, let's go," he muttered back tersely.

"Ah, I don't think it quite is, Black. You've been chosen by the Dark Lord after all. If only you hadn't run away, he really was most displeased," drawled Rosier.

"Dark Lord? What're they on about?" asked Gideon, looking confused.

"Leave it," hissed Emmy tugging him away, but Avery continued. "Shame what happened to that house-elf when you made the Dark Lord angry. Or was it your brother, I can't quite remember?"

Sirius shoved him against the wall, wand digging into his neck, but Avery only laughed. He shoved him again and growled viciously, "Shut your mouth."

"Amazing what crucio can do to someone, I heard he practically begged for the mark."

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