46 - where were you?

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It took Emmy a moment to work out where she was the next morning.

Sunlight streamed through the gaps in the curtains and her dress lay dirty and torn over the back of a chair by the dressing table. She noticed a pile of clothes at the bottom of the bed and pulled them on slowly over her aching muscles. She wandered downstairs, tugging the soft jumper sleeves over her fingers.

People were up and bustling around. She bumped into Peter on the stairs and he greeted her with a tight smile.

"Everyone's in the dining room for breakfast, by the way. Think they're wanting to speak to you," he said through a mouthful of the pancake.

"Thanks, Pete," she called as he passed her. He looked stressed but pleased to be kept busy, thumbs moving in little circles as they always did when he was on edge.

There was a steaming vat of porridge on the stove when she got to the kitchens so she served herself a bowl and after rummaged through drawers to find a spoon for five minutes, she headed back upstairs to find the others.

Fleamont was leaving just as she neared the doorway and he pulled her into a tight hug as soon as he saw her.

"How are you doing, my dear?"

She smiled into his shoulder. He wasn't one for spontaneous cuddling, but she was grateful for it that morning.

"I'm alright, thanks. How's everyone else holding up?"

"Why don't you head in and see them? They'll want to know you're up. And... Dumbledore needs to talk to you about Sirius."

Her words caught in her throat so she just nodded gratefully as he walked away.

She opened the door with a creak and was met with friendly smiles. She scanned the room; Andromeda, Professor Dumbledore and Sturgis Podmore sat at the table with the boys.

"Morning, Emmy," called James as Remus pulled over a chair for her. She ruffled his hair fondly and gave him a quick hug before sitting down.

"How're you feeling, Emeline?" asked Dumbledore kindly. "How's the arm?"

"Fine thanks, doesn't hurt at all."

That was a lie of course, but it wasn't anything she couldn't deal with.

Remus took a sip of his coffee, "We've heard from Moody, he said the imperio's worn off. He's bringing Sirius back in an hour."

"Is he alright? Did he tell him what happened?"

Sturgis interrupted, "We're going to question Black when he gets here, he's not been entirely in his right mind until now."

"But he's not in trouble right?" she asked sharply.

There was a tense silence.

"Well the fact of the matter is that he's been unaccounted for four days and now an attack's happened-"

"He was under the imperius curse!" Andromeda interjected. "He can't have been involved."

Sturgis looked uneasy, "It's a tactic the death-eaters have been using a lot recently, putting someone under the imperius curse at the last minute to give them an alibi if they're about to get caught..."

"This is ridiculous, you don't seriously thing Sirius was behind this?" exclaimed James.

"We have to consider all options, Potter," he replied carefully, exchanging a glance with Dumbledore.

"Professor, you know Sirius. He wouldn't do this!"

He paused before saying, "He is most definitely innocent until proven guilty, but we must explore all options."

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