Chapter 28

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Jessica's POV

I ran straight into the cabin and jumped down on the couch. "So, where's the food then?" I asked really excitedly. He looked over to me with that 'are you serious' face. "What? I didn't eat since LUNCHTIME! That's like forever in Jess Time!" I said.

"Well, since you are about to blow away," he said sarcastically, "I will heat up the pizza." Ooo, I haven't had pizza in forever!

"Pepperoni?" I ask feeling hopeful. I love pepperoni so much!

"Yes..." He said.

"Yayyyyyyy!" I yelled so loudly!

Hayden chuckled and quickly walked off to what I think is the kitchen. I smell the delicious smell of pizza, and my stomach rumbled.

"Hey, Jessica?"


"What was that?" He must be talking about my rumbling stomach.

"Ummmm. It most likely was my stomach..." I say nevously. I hope it really wasn't that loud.

Hayden walked back in with a gigantic box that smelled like pepperoni. I was so happy! My stomach rumbled again, and I opened the box.

"What the heck, Hayden! Why did you give me an EMPTY box?!?!"

"Yep!" He said with a gigantic smile. It's that genuine one too!

"Butt." I mumbled under my breath. Thank God that he didn't hear me. He might have said something cocky about his butt. That would be terrifying.

"What? You want to see my butt?" He asked me with that stupid smirk.

"When did I ever say that?!?!" I yelled.

That boy will be the death of me.


I was finally allowed to eat my pizza, and man, was I happy to have that first bite of it. It was awkwardly silent in here, and I was about to yell out a random word to start a conversation.

"You want to play a game?" Hayden asked to break the silence.

"What game?" I asked.

"I was thinking about 20 questions." He replied.

"Okay. I'll start. Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope. I'm an only child, and I'm really happy about that. When was your first kiss?"

"Eighth grade. But it was forced on me. I didn't want it to happen until high school. How many girlfriends have you had in your life?" I asked. I was kinda hoping there wasn't a lot.

"Three." He said. "Who was your first boyfriend?"

'Ummm..." Should I tell him that I have never had a boyfriend? I think I should. "I never had a boyfriend before." I said really quietly. I think he didn't hear me.

Nope, I was wrong.

"You never had a boyfriend before?" He asked, sounding 50% happy, 20% non-believing, and 30% shocked.

"Why do you seem happy about that?" I asked suspiciously.

He cleared his throat and said, "Ummm...I'm not."

"Right!" I said sarcastically.


A/N Hey guys! Don't get angry at me! I'm updating 4 times this week! Plus, I got 500 reads, so I'm gonna post a bonus chapter too! 5 chapters total! Sooo....update 1 of 5.


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