Chapter 30

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Jessica's POV

I woke up the next day in an unfamiliar bed. How did I get here? I don't remember walking to a bed last night. I then realized that I am still in the cabin from Hayden's and my date. I tried to get up, but something help me down to the bed. An arm. And being the stupid person I am, I didn't realize that it was attached to a body. I was just about to scream, but then I looked over to the person attached to the arm and realized it was none other than Hayden himself. I tried to push him off, but he didn't budge. Me, being such a thoughtful and nice person, I leaned over to his ear. I ould hear his soft breathing. Well, here goes nothing. "AHHHHHH!!!!!! HAYDEN WAKE UP!!!!"

At the same time I yelled that in his hear, he jumped up and screamed, "AHHH! JESSICA! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?"

"I wanted to get up, your arm was pinning me to the bed." I said like a little, innocent girl would say it if she got in trouble.

"Did you seriously just scream in my ear? I think I'm going deaf now." He said, rubbing his ear like it hurt.

"Perks of having a loud voice!" I said, and then I ran off to the bathroom.

When I was done, I walked to the kitchen, and Hayden was making breakfast.

"You know I'm sorry right?" I asked like a little, innocent girl again.

He rolled his eyes and continued to make breakfast. "Sure." He said sarcastically. "I could think of a million better ways to wake me up." He said with a smirk.

Me, being completely clueless, said, "And what would that be, Your Royal Pain In The Butt?"

"I can show you." He said, and he walked over to me and leaned down. His lips were barely brushing mine. 

"Nuh-uh. No way. I don't kiss on the first date." I said backing up.

"Well, technically, this could be our second date because our first date was yesterday." He said with that smirk again.

"Nice try." I said. I gave him a slow applause and rolled my eyes. "But, seriously, not happening."

"Whatever, but expect revenge for what you did." He said and handed me my plate.

I sat down at the couch and took a bite. I immediatly started coughing. "What did you do to my food?"

He was laughing with hand clutched over his stomach. "That was priceless! I even warned you right before you took the plate! Who knew hot sauce can make everything funny?"



A/N Hey! I hope you liked it! Update 3 of 5! Please tell me if there is any spelling or grammar problems anywhere in the book yet. Please be nice about it too! Love ya!


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