Chapter 19

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A/N hey guys! This is the last update today!
By the way, the role if Eric is played by Augustus Prew....just imagine him with green eyes. Lol


Jessica's POV

I got out of the hospital the next day. I changed into my clothes and got into the car with Hayden. It took me a while though. I'm still a little sore and a winced a little while getting into the car.

"You okay?" Hayden asked. He sounds concerned, but I didn't pay attention to that all that much.

"Yeah, I'm just a little sore. That's all." That's not all though, I'm scared too.

Ever since Eric left, and Hayden told me his story, the doctor came in and told Hayden that he had to go. I took some pain medication and went to sleep. Sounds pretty boring, huh?

"You sure?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm sure." The next half an hour, I fell asleep.

"Wake up. Jess, wake up."


"We're here, it's time to wake up."

"Oh." I got out of the car and walked into the cabin.

"Well, hello." Crap.

"Nevaeh, get out!" Hayden said, aggravated, while he walked in.

"But, Hayden, you don't really like this weakling, do you?" Man, this girl better stop talking.

"She isn't weak, and yes, as a matter of fact, I do."

"Ughhhh!!!" She stormed out, but not without giving me a long death glare.

"Man, I wish that girl jumped into a well!" Hayden laughed at my comment. That deep, sexy laugh. Man, I'm becoming whipped.

"That, I agree with." I chuckled at this. "Lay down and get some rest. I'll wake you up for lunch."

"Okay." The last thing I remember a feather-light touch on my feeling, a soft 'goodnight' and then sleep taking over.

A/N hey guys! 4 of 4!!! Sorry that was just a little filler, but drama is rising!!!!!! I promise that I will stick with the weekly update promise from now on. I'll even do a bonus on Thanksgiving! Have a lovely week!


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