Chapter 31

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Jessica's POV

Later that day, Hayden and I went back to our cabin. Apparently, he told his mom that we were going to be at the cabin over-night, so we didn't get into trouble.

I turned on some music, and it echoed throughout the cabin. "5, 6, 7, 8." I mumbled under my breath. I started my dance routine that I made up over the last six weeks. I can't believe we had been her for six weeks already. It seems like yesterday when I bumped into Hayden at the airport. Well, anyway, I made up a dance routine the day I got here. It was filled with complicated turns that I needed to perfect. It was to my favorite song, well, cover actually, Crazy In Love by the Heartstrings. I want to do the dance for my solo this year.

"Got me lookin so crazy right now,

your love's got me lookin so crazy right now."

The thing is, I have never actually connected with this song until now. Now, I know how to make it look real.

I'm currently in the dance and cheerleading cabin. It's technically and empty room with a boom box. It is gigantic, so the cheerleaders and dancers can actually move.

I finished my dance, and I heard loud, slow, sarcastic claps coming from the door. I looked up and saw Nevaeh standing in the doorway. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here. A little bitch dancing like she owns the place." She said with a nasty sneer. Honestly, she doesn't look to pretty with it.

"Hello, Nevaeh. I was just leaving." I said, grabbing my iPod and trying to get out the door.

"Not so fast. I heard you left the site with Hayden last night."

"Yeah, so?" I asked, getting a little annoyed with her getting into my business.

"Back off. He's my man. No one can have him if I can't." She said. "And I always get what I want."

"Hey, you got a little something on your cheek." She reached for her face. "Wait, it's just jealousy."

With that, I walked out of the cabin in victory.

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