Chapter 20

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A/N hey guys! How's it going? This week has gone by so quickly!
Nevaeh is played by Lindsay Lohan (the bleach blonde version)
Hope you like the chapter!

Jessica's POV

I woke up at 12 o'clock with some pain, but I shook it off and headed to the cafeteria. I was half way there when someone jumped onto my back, making it hurt worse than it already did, and I fell down. "Ow!!!!"

"Sorry, babe." I looked up and I was Amanda. "I missed you, and I may have forgotten that you were hurt. I jumped and then realized...sorry."

I laughed it off, but I still winced in pain. "It's alright. I haven't seen you in a while." Sure, I saw her two days ago, but still. "How has your life been going since I got hurt?"

"Well....." Wait, she only says that when she likes someone!

"Who is it?" I asked with a knowing voice that also says 'tell me or regret it'.

"Well, you see, ummm, -"

"Spit it out."

"Ok! I like Zach!" She yelled, but it sounded like a sigh.

"Awwww!!!! You guys would be such a cute couple!"

"Enough with the sappy, mushy crap."

"Can't I speak my mind?"


"Alright." I said with a chuckle. Time to play matchmaker! I inwardly laughed. This will be fun.

I ordered some pasta to fill my craving. "Mmmmm!"

"You act like you haven't eaten in years." Amanda said laughing as she watched me take a bite of my pasta.

"It sure feels like it!" I looked past Amanda for a second and saw Amanda's new found love. I inwardly laughed at this. "Well, I'm going to run to the bathroom."

I walked up to Zach and made sure to say a quick 'go talk to Amanda' before I walked into the bathroom. I stayed in the bathroom for a couple minutes just looking at myself for a minute so I wouldn't look suspicious. I heard the door open and saw her reflection in the mirror.

"Seriously! You made him sit and talk to me?!?! I was perfectly fine without your help!" She was angry, but she also had the joking tone in her voice.

"I just wanted you two to get together."

The door opened again, and I saw Nevaeh's reflection, but I stayed out of her sight.

"C'mon, let's go." Amanda whispered. And we left.

A/N hey guys! Have a good week! I'll update again next weekend!


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