Chapter 12

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Jessica's POV

I was walking back to my cabin with Hayden's number already dialed. If anything happens to me, I would press dial, and he would hear everything. I was almost back when I heard a van behind me. I walked in the grass so that they could pass, whoever they were, buy they still went the same speed. I heard someone's footsteps getting closer and closer. I pressed dial.

"Hello," He answered!!!!

"Shhh stay quiet and listen to everything that happens." I whispered.

I brought the phone further from my face and picked up my pace. Too late. The person wrapped a rope into my mouth and around my head so I couldn't talk, and he or she put a potato sack over my head so i couldn't see where I was being taken to. I was picked up by the person. The last thing I knew was hearing a man with a deep, raspy voice say, "We got her." And then I fell unconscious.


I woke up in an old shed. You could barely see anything because the lights were so dim. I tried to stand up, but I failed. Something scratched against my arms and legs when I tried to move. I remembered I had my phone in my pocket and reached to get it. I got it out of my pocket successfully. I looked to see if Hayden was still on the phone. He was.


"Are you okay?" He asked with concern and worry laced through his voice.

"I'm okay, but I don't know where I am." There was a sound of an engine in the background of his line. "Where are you going?"

"To come find you."

"How?! If I don't know where I'm at, how do you?!" I said kind of surprised.

"He mentioned, when you fell unconscious, where you were going." He said.

"Oh okay." I said still a bit in shock.

"I will be there in twenty minutes. Hang in there until then." He said. The phone line went dead, and I was sitting in silence.

"So, your little boyfriend is going to come and be a stupid superhero?" That same deep, raspy voice rang through my ears. The one I heard before I was apparently knocked out. I looked up and saw the bright, evil green eyes I saw before I read both of the notes.

"He's NOT my boyfriend." I said with a really snappy tone.

"Oh, she's feisty! How would you like to join my gang?"

"Over my dead body!" I spat out.

"That could be arranged." Eric pulled out his gun and aimed it straight at my head. "You either join, or your brian would be blown to bits. Your choice."

"Put the gun down." Hayden's voice rang through the air.

Eric turned and looked at him. He slightly lowered his gun so it was aimed at my chest. "Hayden! What a wonderful surprise! Have you come to enjoy the show too?"

"Put down the gun and let her go. She never did anything to you."

"Yeah, but she obviously means something to you that you would show up and try to save her."

"Then kill me if that's what this is about!" He shouted at Eric.

"Let's make this interesting." He said with an evil glint in his eye. He walked over to a gasoline barrel and lit the wall right above the jug on fire. And since fire can travel down too, well you get the point. Eric ran out of the shed.

"Get out!!" I screamed as Hayden ran over to get me.

"I'm not leaving without you!" He yelled back.

"If you don't leave now, you won't be leaving at all! GET OUT!!!!" I yelled as the barrel caught on fire and blew up. It was a ripple affect, and now the whole shed is on fire he successfully untied me and we bolted to the door. Just as I opened it, a beam from the ceiling came crashing down and hit Hayden on the head. He toppled to the floor. I pulled him out of the building and down to the grass and called an ambulance.

The ambulance came and took Hayden and I to the hospital. I had burns all around my body. Hayden did too.

We got to the hospital, and Hayden was sent straight to a room where the doctors would test on him. I was sent to the complete opposite side of the hospital to get treated for my burns.

I was able to go back to my cabin at camp after two hours, but Hayden had to stay overnight.


I woke up early the next morning, got dressed, and headed to the hospital to see if Hayden was alright. The doctor promised me he'd tell me what's wrong with Hayden in the morning.

I got there at around 8:00 and ran up to Hayden's doctor. "Is everything okay? Can he go home? I promise I'll take care of him." Everything spilled out of my mouth.

"Actually, there is a problem." The doctor said with a bit of concern in his voice.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Hayden is in a coma."



Hey guys! Did you like the chapter? I know I enjoyed writing it! :) Hayden is in a coma :(.

There is going to be a change in plans with updating. I am going to update every Saturday. If I don't get to it on Saturday, I promise I'll update on Sunday.

Have a good Saturday, and weekend, and week! :*


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