Chapter 26

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Hayden's POV

I looked up from my phone when I heard a bang from the door. Jessica's home! Man, that girl needs to stop slamming every door shecomes in contact with. She looked paranoid. Hmmm, let's scare her a bit. Payback for th clown make-up. You might have thought that I forgot about that, but I surely didn't. Jess didn't see me when she walked in, and now she's over on the other end of the cabin closing and locking the window. I didn't want to ask her, though, so I dove under my bed and waited for her to walk by. I heard the soft patter of her feet that slowly became louder. I saw her feet right by my bed. I looked for my phone, then I realized I left it on my bed. Shoot. I wonder what she'll do. She picked up her phone and started texting someone. My phone buzzed, and I stifled my laughter. She texted again, and my phone buzzed once again. I tried to stifle my laugh, but I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing, and Jess's head popped under the bed.

I got out and laughed again. "Man, you're an airhead," I said, still laughing. 

She frowned at me and said, "I knew you were under there. I'm not stupid! I know you wouldn't go anywhere whithout your phone. You are worse than my mom."

"Hah hah, very funny." I said with the most amount of sarcasm I could muster. She looks too cute. It's too hard to say mad at her.

"I know! I should be the star of a comedy show." She said like an excited five-year-old.

"Uh huh." I said. I had to fight the urge to kiss her.

"What are you thinking about?" Jess asked with slght confusion.

"Why did you lock the door and every window in the whole cabin?"

"You can't answer a question with a question..." she started off.

"So just answer my question. I know." I interupted and finished her sentence. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Well, if you must know, I ran into someone at the mall, and I don't want them killing me in my sleep."

"Who?" I asked. She widened her eye at me as if to say 'you are seriously oblivious to everything that's going on right now'. "Ohhhhhh. Put on your vest."

She walked over to the closet and got out that gigantic, bulcky gray vest and walked back to me to help her put it on. It's so cute that she needs help to put this on. "I can't believe you are making me wear this when am in the cabin with you."

"He was watching you. He was practically stalking you. I'm trying to protect you." I said.

"Awwww. Is the bad boy going soft?" She teased.

"No! I'm just protecting someone that I care about!" Crap! I just said that out louud.

"What?" She teased some more.

"Nothing." I answered a little to quickly.

"Oh, I think you said you care about me!" She said again with that smile that I really like.

"Ok, well the truth is that I really do care about you, and maybe, we can go on a date sometime?"

"Sure. I would love to." She smiled again. What is she doing to me?


A/N hey! No school tomorrow, so I will update tomorrow too. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. They are going on a date soon! Yay!

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