Chapter 27

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Jessica's POV

I am sitting on my bed just thinking about the date and where we would go. He didn't tell me so I don't know what to wear. Oh well, I'll just go take a shower. Oh, did I mention the date is today? Well, it is. Just another reason I'm freaking out about. I walked into the bathroom and saw a note on the mirror above the sink.


Dress casual and cute, like you always do. Oh, and bring a swimsuit. :)

From, well you obviously know so yeah.

I took my shower and got some clothes out. I put on a Batman crop top and some high-waisted, light-wash shorts. I competed my look with a black beanie and gray converse. I have always been Team Batman, and no one will change that. Ever. I grabbed my phone and waited for Hayden to come back. Wait. I need a swim suit. I went back to my closet and got my purple bikini. I sat back down on my bed, and right then, the door opened. I know it couldn't be a creepy stalker because I locked the door. Well, they could pick the lock, but I highly doubt they would because we are in public.

In walked Hayden, thankfully, like he owned the place. He kinda actually did because his parents did. Man! I need to stop ranting for no reason. "Ready to go?" He asked with a smile. An actual smile, not a smirk. That's one thing I love about him. I just said that, didn't I? Well, I admit to myself that I am falling for the cocky badboy. 

"Yep!" I said, popping the 'p'. I smiled right back at him jumped up from the bed, and walked to his car. "So, where are we going?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise for our first date." He said smirking. And the smirk is back.

"But I don't like surprises!" I whined and then pouted at him.

"Well, then I guess I should tell you," he said, and I nodded. "But I'm not gonna."

We arrived twenty minutes later on the outskirts of the woods. "You know, if you are gonna try to rape me and kill me, I have a flashlight on my phone, and it's really bright." I warned him.

He chuckled and looked at me. "If I wanted to rape or kill you, I would have already, considering we live under the same roof right now."

"Good to know." I said, but I still have my guard up, for now. We walked further into the woods, and then, I saw a note. I picked it up and read it.


The place we're going, I know you'll love. It has a pool, a theater, and an extra large fridge. I hope you like it!

From, the person standing right next to you.

I looked over to Hayden and smiled at him. "An EXTRA LARGE FRIDGE?!?!?!?!" I said really excitedly. He smile and kept walking. I followed him. I saw some light about a quarter of a mile away from us. I ran to it and saw it was a cabin about twice the size of our cabin at camp.
 "You have a cabin?" I asked.

"It's for the next few years. I'm planning on going to college near here. This will be my house." The only college near here is University of South Florida, where I'm going.

"You're going to University of South Florida? That's where I'm going." I said with a smile.

"I was planning on telling everyone later, but yeah." That's awesome! I ran into the cabin ad jumped on the couch.

"Let's get this party started!" I yelled.


A/N hey! I hope you like this chapter!

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