Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Hayden's POV

"Hayden, sweetie, why are you in my office?" The sound of my mother's voice rang throughout the room I was in. Wait, why was I in here again? Oh yeah. I was getting away from Jessica before she blew her top off.

"Sorry, mom. I didn't mean to interrupt you." I turned around and saw my mom staring at me in what looks like shock.

"Honey, I'm just surprised! You haven't come to visit me at work much since you were 5." Come to think of it, I really haven't. I feel bad, but I was busy with baseball and basketball, girls, and something that shall not be spoken about, or even thought about.

Let's just say I have a bad past. A dangerous one. Anyone that knows about it is instantly in danger. That's another reason I act like such a jerk around Jessica. She can't know, or she would be dragged into this mess. So, if she hates me, she won't want to get to know me, and she won't be in danger.

"Yeah, sorry, mom."

"It's ok, honey. I have to get back to work."

"Ok, bye." I walked out of her office, out of the main cabin, and onto the trail that lead to the cafeteria. Right then, I saw my best friend, Zach. I has been my friend since we were three. I got a burger and walked over to his table.

"Hey, man!" I half-shouted.

"What's up?" He said in the same loud voice. I sat and bit into my huge cheeseburger.

"Nothing much. Just got here like an hour ago so unpacking. You?" I said right after I swallowed my huge bite of my burger.

"Pretty much the same. Hey, I heard Jessica is in your cabin?" He said, waggling his eyebrows. He has known that I liked Jessica forever.

"Dude, she doesn't like me!"

"You never know! How did she take the whole cabin-mate thing?"

"Well, she screamed, stormed out of the cabin, and walked up to the lady at the front desk to try and change the arrangement."

"Well, that isn't good. Gotta run, bro. See you later!"

"Bye!" I took my last big bite of my burger and went back to my cabin.

I unlocked the door, and I saw Jessica lying there in tears on her bed.

"Jessica, what's wrong?"

"My dad's in the hospital."

Jessica's POV

I was unpacking when I got a call.


"Jessica? Are you there?" It's my mom. She sounds like she's been crying.

"Mom? Are you alright? What's the matter?"

More crying.

"Mom? Mom! What's going on?" I was getting worried. Like really worried.

"Honey, your dad is in the hospital." She said through sobs.

"Why? What's the matter?"

"Jessica, your dad has lung cancer."



Hey guys!

I' trying to make the chapters longer. Sorry for the late update. I blame writers block. :) have a wonderful day!



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