Chapter 24

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Jessica's POV

Once we were done running from the angry looking manager, we ended up in the mall food court.Mmmmm fooood! "Food food food food food food!" I practically screamed.

"If that's your fancy way of saying you're hungry..." Marissa started.

"Shuuuut uuuup." I whined like a five year old. These people are really getting on my nerves. I walked over to the Taco Bell stand and got a giant steak burrito. I waited for around three minutes, and I finally got my food. I sat down with Marissa and Amanda at a table in the middle of the food court. I took a big bite of my burrito. "Mmmmm! I haven't had food this good since we left California!"

Amanda took a big bite of her taco. "Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe I thought the cafeteria food tasted good!"

"Guys, you are kinda making me scared about this cafeteria food. I want to have good meals there. I can't believe you think this meat tastes better than normal food." Marissa said with disgust. Marissa is a vegitarian.

"Marissa, you need to stop complaining about meat. Meat is yummy." I said.

"Gross." And that was our glorious lunch.


We shopped for a little while longer when I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around, and I saw those familiar green eyes hat no one wants to see. Eric.

A/N hey I have been off for a LONG time. I will update 5 times this week.

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