Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Hayden's POV

"Mom! I'm old enough to stay home while you guys are gone! Why do I have to go to a stupid summer camp?!?!"

"Because I don't think you are ready to stay home alone for a while. Remember what happened last time when we left you for a week at home alone?" I definitely remember that. It was the best party I ever had! But I didn't want to clean up, and my parents came home and saw the gigantic mess. Let's just say that I wasn't allowed to leave the house for a month.

"Fine. But I'm staying in my cabin for the whole summer!"

**30 minutes later**

"Have a nice day!" The security guard said before I went into the security room so they could check my bags. I gave him an eye-roll and walked away.

"Hayden!!! I taught you better than to roll your eyes at a guard!"

"Mom! Would you ever realize that they just say that so you don't get angry at them?" I said while walking through the metal detector.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. My mother gasped in surprise as a couple guards ran over to me and brought me in a room to scan me over with hand-held metal detectors.

"Sir, you are free to go. Nothing was detected on you." I walked out of the little room and into the waiting area by my gate.

**10 minutes later**

I looked out of the corner of my eye and I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole world walking up to me. I live right down the street from her, and I have liked her since I was 10. Eight years.

I looked up at her. "Hayden!?!? What the heck are you at the airport for?"

"Picking up girls with fiery attitudes like you. What about you?" I said. Wow, I sound like a total player! I have to keep up the act. She can't know I like her. I thought.

"Staying away from boys with douchey personalities like you. Listen, I need your number so I can have the window seat, so can we make this fast?"

"On one condition."

"What?" She sounded annoyed.

"If I call or text you, you must answer." I had to say that. I love the sound of her voice. It makes me happy every time i hear it.

"Whatever." She said. We exchanged numbers, and she walked off. I watched her with admiration in my eyes. Do I love her? I think I do.
A/N Hey, guys! I'm new at this so yea. I'm not gonna write a/n's a lot cuz I hate reading them so I feel like I should keep them to a minimum. I'm here anytime you need me. You can inbox me if you're confused or if you just want to talk. :)
(I'm not gonna tell you guys to vote, comment, etc. so yea)

- love,
Cam (my full name is Cameryn)

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