Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Jessica's POV

I ended the call and called my little brother as fast as I could.

"Max! Did Mom call you? Did she tell you?" I said through sobs.

"Yeah, she called." He sounded lifeless on the phone.

"We can't leave the camp. Mom and Dad payed a lot for us to come." I said in thought and sadness.

"I have to go. I'll meet you in your cabin tomorrow before afternoon activities." He said. At this camp, during the weekends, they have these things called afternoon activities. They directors leave us to do what we want until 1:00, but then we do some activity until 3:00. They are usually pretty fun.

"Alright, bye." I hung up and started sobbing into my pillow. I heard the door unlock, but in all honesty, I couldn't care less at this moment.

"Jessica, what's wrong?" A strong voice rang through my ears. I sobbed a little more.

"My dad's in the hospital." His strong arms wrapped around me, and the bed dipped a little showing someone sat down.

"Why is your dad in the hospital?" Hayden asked, his voice filled with concern.

"He was diagnosed with lung cancer." I sobbed again into his shoulder. It was then that I realized, the bad-boy was consoling me. He must have a sensitive side. We stayed like that for about 10 more minutes. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. Man, I looked horrible! I had tear streaks on my cheeks, my face was red, and my eyes were bloodshot. I decided I would take a shower. Maybe that would help my appearance a little.

**30 minutes later**

I got out of the shower, got dressed, and headed towards the cafeteria.

I was walking, actually I was almost at the cafeteria, when I was suddenly lying on the ground with someone on top of me, and not just any person, it was my best friend, Amanda. She lives a couple blocks down from me.

"Hey!!!" She yelled. I was pretty sure Kentucky could hear her scream that.

"Hi!" I said back. "Why did you jump on top of me? You literally saw me yesterday!"

"Grand appearance?" She said, well actually it sorta sounded like a question. We walked into the cafeteria and ordered food. I got spaghetti, and Amanda got a hot dog. They have a huge menu here. It's really hard to get used to the 'What we make is what you are eating' deal when camp is over.

"Are you done unpacking?" I ask Amanda while I took a bite of spaghetti.

"Not yet. How about you?"

"Ummmmmm. No." I said.

"Why the long 'um'?" She said looking at me.

"Well, I got a call while I was unpacking, so, yeah?"

"Who was it from? What was it about?" Amanda loves details.

"My mom, and my dad is in the hospital." I said.

"What, why?" Like I said, she love the details.

"He has lung cancer." I whispered. I was surprised she could hear me. She ran over and hugged me.

"Well, now we have to have a movie night to get your mind off of it." She said excited. This camp has a giant tv in every cabin. So that's what we do every weekend.

"Okay." We took our last bites of food and headed to my cabin, since practically no one lives there.

**2 hours later**

We were currently watching "Catching Fire" because I didn't want to watch some chick flick. I'm not that type of girl. Suddenly, the door opened and in walked a Hayden.

"You didn't tell me you lived with him!" Amanda whispered in my ear.

"I'm not proud of it." I whispered back.

We finished the movie with Hayden sitting next to me. He was so close that I could feel him breathing. It was gross. When the movie ended, I technically jumped for joy in my mind because Hayden got up, walked to his bed and played on his phone.

"Well, I better get going. It's almost curfew." At camp, curfew is at 11:00 at night, and it is currently 10:45. She had enough time to get back to her dorm before the CAs go and check every cabin.

"Okay, bye." I said with a yawn. Man, I was tired. What a long first day. I went to the bathroom to change into my pajamas, curled up in bed, and went to sleep.

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