Chapter 10

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Jessica's POV

Who the heck is Eric? Why was he staring at me from outside? Why did he tell ME to watch my back?

Just at that, the door opened and I jumped and ran into the bathroom. I mean, what if it's the creepy stalker from outside.

"Jess? Why did you run into the bathroom when I opened the door?" I sighed when I realized it was Hayden.

"Sorry. I thought you were someone else."

"Who else would I be?"

"Acrazystalkerthatwaslookingatmethroughthewindowandleftmethiscreepynote." I said in on breath.

"English please."

"Well, I was reading, and I looked up and out the window. There was a crazy stalker with bright, creepy green eyes, and he slipped this note between the door and the floor." I handed him the note, and a look of worry washed over his face.

"I'm making a new rule. You can't leave the cabin without me." What the heck! He can't boss me around! He's not my boyfriend!

"No way!!!"

"Yes! You can't get hurt! I won't let you! You need to be with me at all times to prevent any harm."

"You can't control me! You aren't my boyfriend or my father!

After I said that, I swear I heard him say something along the lines of 'but I would like to be the first one,' but I doubt he said that.

With that, I stormed off and to Amanda's cabin. I'm going to stay there for tonight. No way am I going to stay with that jerk.

Hayden's POV

I can't believe Eric would do this! He can't threaten Jessica! She didn't do anything! She's to sweet and innocent to be a victim of a gang leader!

I decided to give Eric a little call.

"I knew you'd call." I could hear his smirk through the line.

"Why did you involve her?"

"Oh! You're pretty little friend?"

"Yes. Now I'm not going to ask again. Why did you involve her."

"You see, if I involve her, it would get to you. Plus, the feisty girl would give us a little fun."

"Leave her out of it."

"We'll see." And the line cut.

That 'we'll see' definitely means no.



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