Chapter 14

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Jessica's POV

It is currently two weeks after Hayden woke up and, and he was allowed to come back to the cabins yesterday. He doesn't have memory loss or anything so that is AMAZING!!!!! "Hayden!!!! Hurry up!!!! You are taking forever!!!" Hayden is currently taking a shower, but he was in there for an hour. I'm beginning to think he fell into the toilet and could't get out.

Hayden walked out of the bathroom. "You try looking this good in under a under an hour, sunshine." He said with a smirk. Even though he said he loves me, he still has his cockiness turned up to a one million.

"I think I can!" I said with a smirk. We made a bet on how long I would take. I said a half hour, and Hayden said and hour and a half. I ran into the bathroom and hurried in the shower and got my clothes on. I blow dried my hair. I looked at the clock. 20 minutes. I smirked to myself, brushed my teeth, and ran out of the bathroom. "I believe you owe me $20, Sir Smirks A Lot." I said with a big grin on my face.

"Sure, just let me get my wallet." He walked over to the other side of the room and grabbed his wallet. Before I knew it, he was out the door, laughing.

"You're a jerk-face!!!!" I yelled at Hayden through the door. Oh, he's gonna pay, literally and metaphorically.

I called Amanda over, and we came up with a plan. This is going to be hilarious.


I called Zach over, and Amanda and I told him our plan. He is known as the prankster at school, so he could come in handy.

"That's perfect!!!!" He yelled, and it echoed throughout the cabin.

"When should I do it though?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow morning. Wake up at 5:30 and get to work." He said grinning. Zach and I became really close friends since Hayden woke up from his coma. He would always joke around with me to lighten up my mood a bit because Hayden wasn't at the cabin. I was really happy that we became friends.

"Thank you for the help, and you can't tell Hayden, no matter what." I said.

"Cross my heart." He said, still grinning like a freak. "I have to go. Bye." He said, and he was gone.

I can't wait for this prank.


I woke up early in the morning to put my plan into play. I got out my makeup kit and got to work.

Zach said that Hayden has always been afraid of clowns. Go figure, the bad boy is scared of something Max was scared of when he was five. WAS. So I decided to do a little makeover. I started with waterproof white and red paint on his face. Then, I got out my lipstick and drew little circles on his cheeks, like blush but with lipstick. I was also sure to put the little tear on his face. All done! I got ready and headed over to Amanda's cabin. She was awake waiting for me when I knocked of the door.

"How did it go? Did he wake up? Did you get a picture?"

I showed her the picture while saying, "Yes, it went great, and he was sound asleep. I also managed to get $20 from his wallet too." I said with a toothy smile.

Wait. What will happen when he wakes up? I didn't think this through very well....


A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while. I promise to do a double update though. Update 1 of 2. Hope you enjoyed it!!!!


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