Chapter 18

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Jessica's POV

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Man this dude needs a life.

"Why the hell are you bothering me?!?!" I screamed.

"Don't you remember what happened when you were eight?" He asked. Both Hayden and I tensed up.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well the day after that happened, I was sent to jail. But, I escaped. You were the reason that my life is ruined!"

"Shut up! The reason your life is ruined is because you killed an eight year old, attempted to kill and eight year old, and started a gang!" Hayden yelled. "Why did you start the gang after the incident anyway?!?!"

"Well, Hayden, I wanted to find this girl laying in a hospital room and finish what I started. I got you because I knew you would fall in love and be her weakness!" He said back with that devilish grin. "Looks like I have succeeded."

I was shocked and hurt that Hayden had been a part of this the whole time. "Is that true?" I asked him with a shaky and weak voice.

"That was not the reason I joined his gang!"

"Then what was that reason?" I asked him, but it came out more like a yell.

"Because I HAD TO!!!"

"Right." I say back with a sarcastic sound.

"Leave. Right. Now!" Hayden yelled to Eric.

Eric backed out of the room, but not without saying "I can't wait for that meeting tonight."

"The reason I joined his gang is because I needed money. My family is a poor one at that. I barely have enough money to go to school."

"But I though that your parents run this camp." I said, really confused

"They do, but with renting the space for the camp and paying the cabin group leaders, they don't have enough money to support us."

"So how did you think joining a gang would help?"

"I would steal the money."

"You are a ROBBER?!?!"

"Not anymore, not since I met you." That made my heart race.

"You stopped because of me?"

"Yes, because I love you."

This boy needs to stop this. It's making me too happy. I swear I am gonna burst with happiness, and it will be because of him.

"I love you too."

Hey guys! Update 3 of 4! Hope you enjoyed it!


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