Chapter 33

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Hayden's POV

After Jess came out of the bathroom, she plopped on her bed and covered herself up.

"Awwwww! Is wittle Jessie tired? Time for a nap!" Zach screamed from next to the tv. Jessica looked over at him with a death glare.

"Leave." Jess said.

"Want to get down and dirty, huh?" Zach said with a silly smirk. Jessica's cheeks tinged pink at this statement. "I didn't hear a no!" He added. Jessica's face turned into a bright red.

"Uh, ummmm, no?" It sounded more like a question than a statement. Jessica is adorable. 

"Alright, dude, I think she has had enough." I said, looking over at Zach.

"Enough? I was just getting started!"

"Alright, go." Jessica said.

After Zach left, I sat down on Jessica's bed by her feet. "Go to sleep. It's late." I said, and with that, I kissed her forehead and lie down on my bed. 


Jessica's POV

I woke up the next morning, got ready and headed to breakfast. I walked slowly due to my lack of sleep. What? I was up half the night thinking about Hayden kissing me on my forehead! Anyway, I ate a small omelet and walked back to my cabin.

On the way back, I saw a not on a tree.


Please pick up every one of these notes. There will be one word on each of them. This is like a puzzle, and you will need all of the notes for it to make sense. Here is the first word.




Will. Will? What does will mean?

I walked up to another tree with a note on it. You.

And another. Be.

And another. My.

I'm really confused. My what?

I opened the door of my cabin and saw Hayden standing in the middle of the room. He was holding a big poster that said GIRLFRIEND?

Wait? Will you be my GIRLFRIEND?!?!

Hayden looked at me with a smile. "Well?"

I smiled back. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."



Hey! Please don't kill me. Let me explain.

Well, I was really busy getting ready for a dance competition and learning another whole dance in one afternoon. I am really sorry! Ok, now you can kill me.

Other than that, I hope you liked the chapter! They are together now!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!

Also, I dedicate this chapter to DEAD_BUNNIES18 because they voted for 7 of my chapters, and I never thought I would get one vote! LOVE YOU!



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