Chapter One

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Chapter One - Setting Off

Jessica's POV

Hi, I'm Jessica Carrey. I'm just your average, 17 year old girl. I get good grades, I have a loving family, and I have a little brother. His name is Max, and he is 13. I guess I could be considered a nerd to most people. It bothers me A LOT! My mom and dad are sending me off to summer camp in Florida. I currently live California, so this will be a long ride. I've been to this camp before. It's called Camp Waterloo. It's located right on the beach!

"Jessica!!! Are you done packing yet? We have to get you to the airport in 2 hours!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yes, Mom!" I yelled back. I was currently in my room trying to close my suitcases. I tried everything, even sitting on them. I know, it's cliché, but i tried it.

"What do you want now?" My little brother asked lazily when he walked into the door frame.

"Can you help me close my suitcases?"

"Fine." He sat on the suitcase and waited for me to come over and close it. "You gonna close it or not!"

"Max, I already tried that and it didn't work." But I tried again with Max on the suitcase, and guess what, it worked!

**2 hours later**

"I get the window seat!"

"No! I do!" My brother and I are currently fighting over who gets the window seat. He's doesn't really want the window seat, though. He just wants to piss me off.

"How about a bet?" Max asked with that goofy smirk. "How about we try and get someone's number? I'll try and get her's," he pointed to a bleach blonde, "and you try to get his," He pointed to a brunette in a leather jacket. "The first one back to the table gets the window seat."

"Deal!" My mouth was going faster than my brain. Why did I agree?

I walked over to the guy in the leather jacket. He looked up at me and smirked. "Hayden!?!? What the heck are you at the airport for?" I asked.

"Picking up girls with fiery attitudes like you. What about you?"

"Staying away from boys with douchey personalities like you. Listen, I need your number so I can have the window seat, so can we make this fast?"

"On one condition."


"If I call or text you, you must answer."

"Whatever." We exchanged numbers, and I walked back to the table.

**15 minutes later**

I was still waiting for Max to get that blonde girl's number. I even bought myself something to drink.

"Aaaaaannnnddddd, done!!" Max said running back to our table.

"I win. I get the window seat." I said, sticking out my tongue.

"Gate 7, your plane has arrived. First class may start boarding." Someone on the intercom said. Max and I walked over to the lady and handed her our tickets. Mom thought it would be better for us to get first class.

"Have a wonderful flight." The lady said, smiling.

"Thanks." We said and walked onto the plane.

**20 minutes later**

The pilot said we could use our electronics now, so I got out my phone and put in my earbuds so I could listen to music for the ride. Not even 10 minutes later, I fell asleep.

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