Chapter 35

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Jessica's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and a bright light shining on my face. I looked up and saw a two by two square window about seven feet up from the floor. There are two doors, one on each side of the room. No doubt they are locked. Where am I? I am lying on the floor, which is not too comfortable, by the way. I tried to sit up, but my hands and legs were tied so I look like a flailing fish. Well, time to put these non-existant abs to work. I tried sitting up by actually doing a sit-up. I fell down. I gave up after that.

"Well, well, well, look who's awake." An unpleasant voice filled my ears. And when I thought he forgot about me!

"Eric." I said, trying to mask my fear.

"So, how long do you think lover-boy will take to notice you're gone? A month? A year? Let's hope it's not the second one, or you would wish I would've killed you by then." Eric said with a creepy grin.

"He will be here soon, and I refuse to talk to you anymore." I said, silencing myself after I said that.

"What did you say? Refuse to talk to me?" He said, getting closer. He lifted his hand, put it in a fist, and punched me.

I fell over and felt some blood dripping from my nose. I think he broke my nose, but I refused to let him know he hurt me. I won't ever give him that satisfaction.

"Little brat! You don't deserve to be alive! I should just kill you now, but then again, I would loose my bait." He said with a creepy smile.

He slapped me and kicked me until my body went numb. Bruises were already starting to show. My clothes are slightly ripped. I bet it looked like I was on the verge of death.

"Take a picture, brat, and send it to lover-boy." He said, leaving, but not before I got a good kick to the head.


I waited and waited for what seemed like days, but the sun was just now going down. I realized that it was only a couple hours since Eric decided to assault me. I sent the picture, like Eric said. I realized that being the head of a gang, this guy wasn't really smart. You can track a phone, asshole! I wanted to scream that right in his face, but I know that won't help on my part.

The door opened, revealing Eric. He started to walk towards me, and I saw a piece of metal shine from his back pocket. A knife. I was freaked out of my mind.

"Hey, babe." He said, his voice slurring, and his breath reaking of alcohol. He pulled out his knife and held it up to my throat. The next thing I knew, my clothes were being torn, and tears were leaking down my face. HE IS SERIOUSLY TRYING TO RAPE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"JESSICA?" A familiar and frantic voice called. Hayden!

"HAYDEN! HELP!!!!!" I screamed back.

"Shut up, bitch!" Eric pushed the knife back onto my neck, just barely cutting the skin.

The door burst open, and in ran Hayden, Zach and five other people I have never met before. Instant gunshots rang through the shed. Seven of Eric's people came in and started shooting non-stop.

"Leave the middle one for me." Eric said to one of his followers. Within minutes, four of Eric's men were dead, and none of Hayden's were. Not even ten minutes after that, Eric was the only one left on his team, while all of Hayden's friends were alive. Eric pulled a gun from his back pocket and aimed it straight for Hayden's chest. I stood up and ran in front of Hayden, just in time. I dived in front of Hayden, feeling a sharp pain right above my heart.

Hayden's friends surrounded me and Hayden while he rushed to me. "Jessica! Stay awake! Keep yourself focused on me. Don't die!"

"Save yourself. Win this for me. I love you." I whispered before everything went black.



Hey!!!! So tell me what you think of the chapter! Jessica saved Hayden! Interesting plot twist huh? Hahaha.

I hope you like it!


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