Chapter 7

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Jessica's POV

I woke up at 10:00 today. Man, I love the weekends! I pushed myself up from my lying position when I felt something sticky underneath my hand. I lifted my hand up and looked at it.

"Hayden!!!! Why is there syrup covering my bed?!?!?!" I looked at my pillow in hopes of it not being covered in syrup. Unfortunately, the syrup covered my pillow. I, then, reached up and made sure there was no syrup in my hair. Again, unfortunately, i was wrong. My hair was the stickiest part of my body! "Hayden! You are a pain in the ass!!!" Screamed at the top of my lungs.

Hayden walked out of the bathroom, and it looked like he took a shower. "Jess, you look like you're in a sticky situation." Then, he doubled over and started laughing like a freaking hyena! That asshole! He has the nerve to...wait a second! He JUST got out of the shower! I know just how to get him back!!!

Slowly, I got up and walked over too him, and, while he was still doubled over, I caught him off guard and pushed him onto my bed. He is now covered in his little prank. Now, I am the one doubled over and laughing.

"What the heck, Jess!!! I just got out of the shower!"

"Payback's a bitch, Hayden. Hoped you learned a lesson here." Then, I walked straight into the bathroom before he said another word.

**1 hour later**

I just got out of the shower, and man, that crap did not come out of my hair! I had three showers, and the syrup came out during the last one. I put on my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. Hayden zoomed past me and into the bathroom. I'm lucky i got the bathroom first because I bet the syrup dried into his hair. Just at the thought of that, I chuckled. Suddenly, my stomach rumbled. I looked over at the clock and realized it was 11:00. I am starving! I texted Amanda and told her to meet me down at the cafeteria.

I arrived at the cafeteria, ordered a chicken wrap and sat down right as Amanda walked through the doors.

She walked up to me and said, "Hey, girl, hey!"

"Hi! Aren't you gonna get something to eat?" Then, she realized she forgot to get food, got up and ran to the food line. She came back with a ham sandwich and sat down.

"So why did you call me here?" She asked as she took a gigantic bite of her sandwich.

"I was hungry, I needed a friend to eat with, and I wasn't about to ask Hayden to come with me."

"Why not? He's really hot!" In case you are wondering, she really likes Hayden.

"We sorta pranked each other this morning, and he hasn't talked to me since..."

"What did you do?" She asked. I told her the whole story.

"Well it makes did push him into syrup after he took a shower..."

"I know, and he deserved it." We finished our food, said our goodbyes, and walked back to our cabins.

When I walked into my cabin, I saw Hayden sucking face with some girl I have never seen before. "Ewww! Gross!" And then I backed out of the cabin.

"Can I help you?" I heard a voice that was definitely not Hayden's, unless he went through reverse puberty. I turned to look at the person who said that, and she looked beyond angry.

"Well, I was just walking into MY cabin when I saw a very unattractive sight, so I walked out." With the unattractive part, she gasped.

"I'll have you know, I am one of the most attractive girls at my school!" She said with annoyance. She couldn't have been that could tell she had plastic surgery done.

I scoffed and said, "Who are you anyway?"

"My name is Nevaeh! My mom named me that because it is heaven backwards."

"It's not good to be backwards, sweetie." I said, and she gasped again. With that, I turned around and walked down the dirt path.


A/N hey guys this is update 1 of 5! Hoped you enjoyed it!

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