Chapter 22

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Jessica's POV

After we escaped the devil in disguise, neither of us felt like eating anymore.

"Hey, why don't we go to the mall. We haven't been there in centuries!" Amanda said. The last time we have been to the mall was before school ended for the summer.

"Alright. Let's go back to my cabin so I can get my money." I replied.

"What money?" She said jokingly.

"Hey! I'm not completely broke yet!" I rolled my eyes at her in a jokingly but annoyed way. This girl needs a life aside from teasing me.

"Ppshhh, right." She drew out.

We walked back to my cabin, and I grabbed my purse. The same for Amanda.

"Who's driving?" She asked.

"You want me to drive?" I said with an eyebrow up. "You remember what happened last time I did right?" The last time I attempted to drive, I may have almost ran into a tree. If it wasn't for Amanda steering us away, that tree would have made us a sunroof. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but still...

"You're right. I'll drive." And with that, we were off.

Twenty minutes later we arrived at a small mall. It wasn't packed, but it didn't look like it could hold a lot of people. We walked into the first store, Hollister. I never particularly liked this store, but Manders, on the other hand, loved it.

"How about this?" Amanda held up another sweatshirt.

"You know what, I give up with this. Choose one and let's go." I was getting tired of sitting here. We were in this store for an hour, and every thirty seconds, Amanda would ask me for fashion advise. I mean, DO I LOOK LIKE I AM ALL ABOUT THIS STUPID FASHION STUFF?!?! Thought not.

"Alright, hold your horses."

We were out of that store within two minutes after that. We walked to the next store, which was my pick, so we went to American Eagle. I walked it and there she was wearing their uniform standing there with a smile on her face.


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