Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Jessica's POV

Slap. Slap. Slap. I woke up to my little brother slapping me in the face. "Why the hell are you slapping me?!?!"

"Finally! I've been trying to wake you up for 15 minutes!!! I thought you were dead!"

I looked around and realized we were the only two people on the plane. I got up and got my carry on and walked off the plane. "Hang on, Max. I'm going to get a bottle of water." I got my bottle of water from a vending machine, and we started off towards the airport entrance.

**30 minutes later**

"God! Where is the bus!!! We've been waiting FOREVER!!" My brother whined like a baby. Since we are going to camp, they have this school bus pick us up and drive us there. From the airport, it usually takes 10 minutes to get to the camp.

"I see it! Stop whining like you are three years old and pick up your luggage!"

"Stop acting like mom." Max grumbled under his breath, but I still heard. Instead of yelling at him in public, I just gave him a glare that seemed to last for hours instead of seconds.

**10 minutes later**

That bus ride was horrible! They sat us three to a seat and those seats are so TINY!!! And since it was three to a seat, I had to sit in the middle of Max and, the one and only, Hayden Brown. He smirked at me for the whole ride, and Max just stared at him. Even though he's younger than me, Max decides he wants to be the overprotective brother...and I hate it.

I walked up to the check in table, gave Max his cabin room number, key, and ID, got my cabin room number, key, and ID, and headed off to my cabin.

I was walking for 20 minutes, and I still couldn't find my cabin. I asked the CA(cabin attendant), and she pointed down the road. I walked a little more and found my cabin. It was nice and roomy. I unlocked the door only to see someone else here too. And that someone was a boy. And that boy was Hayden Brown.

This has to be a mistake.

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