Chapter 21

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Hey Guys!
How are you? How was your week/weekend? Hope you enjoy this chapter! (Btw there will be a bonus chapter this week for Thanksgiving (just a random update for those of you that do not live in America)

Hayden's POV

I left the cabin right after Jess fell asleep, which was like the minute she hit the pillow. Man, that girl likes to sleep! I was on my way to Zach's cabin. What? We need guy time too! Well back to what I was sayi--- umgh. What was that? Of course I didn't fall, I don't want to look weak.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to! Please don't hurt me!" A girl's voice said. It wasn't really high pitched like Nevaeh, but it was sort of deeper. This girl had long, curly red hair. Orangish-red, not bright, dyed red. She had hazel eyes and pale skin. She also had little freckles covering her face. She is the complete opposite of Jess.

"What? What do you mean 'don't hurt me'? I won't hurt a girl. " I said back.

"Oh, right, sorry. I'm Marissa, by the way."


"I'm pretty good friends with Jessica. Do you know her?"

"As a matter of fact, I do."

"What's her cabin number? Oh, and if you see her, don't tell her I'm here. I want to surprise her." She said with an excited glint in her eye.

"Okay, and she shares a cabin with me. Cabin 4b. But she is sleeping right now."

"Okay. Perfect timing. I will go say hi to Amanda then."

"How long have you been friends?" I asked her.

"Since we were in diapers. My mom and her mom were friends, but we moved last year."

"Oh. What makes sense. I have to go." I said in a rush. What? Zach has food!

Marissa's POV

I can't wait to surprise Jess and Manders! They were my best friends! I just have to make the grand entrance a little more grand. I can't wait!!!

A/N yeah, it was a little filler. So what do you think of Marissa? What do you think her "grand entrance" will be? (Leave your answers in the comments)
And I need your opinions. Should I do a sequel? (Inbox me or leave it in comments)
See you later in the week!


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