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Jessica's POV

Walking into the kitchen of the cabin of Hayden and my first date still brings me joy everyday. We moved in about a year ago. And since then, there have been so many changes. First off,

"Mommy? Where are you?" I got interrupted by one of my kids.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I called back. My little boy came running through the door. His name is Jackson, which is Hayden's favorite name. My little girl, Jade, came running through the door with Jackson. They are twins. Hayden thought it would be cool for them to have their first letters of their names matching.

"Mommy! You'll never guess what happened at school today!" Jade said while eating her snack. They are going to preschool since they are only 5.

"What?" I asked.

"The teacher said I was being really good, so I got a sticker!" Jade showed me her sticker. "Oh, and Jackson got a time-out again."

Jade is like me, a goody-two-shoes who was a teacher's pet and was smart. Jackson, on the other hand, was a mini-me of Hayden, the troublemaking "bad-boy".

"You won't supposed to tell her!" Jackson said, stuffing his fruit in his mouth.

"What did you do this time?" I asked.

"I didn't do anything." Jackson said quietly.

"He kissed Kaylah!" Jade said with a smirk, laughing. Kaylah is Jackson's girlfriend. They haven't really talked since he hugged her on the swingset at school a couple weeks ago. I don't really approve of him having a girlfriend at 5, but Hayden laughed it off and said he could.

"Hey! I'm home!" Speak of the devil, and he will appear.

"Hey. You want food?" I asked.

"How can I resist?" He laughed, and I handed him some fruit.

"How was work today?" I asked. Hayden got a big job. He is actually running a business in mechanics. I, on the other hand, work in designing buildings. I helped add two rooms onto the cabin for the twins. I also helped expand the master bedroom.

"Same old thing everyday. How was work for you, my wonderful wife?" I know what you're thinking, yes, we got married. The wedding was beautiful, and I was literally crying when he got down on one knee.

"Good." I said smiling.

"Mommy, can we go out for ice cream?" Jade asked.

"Ok, go and get your coats." The twins ran off laughing and cheering.

Hayden walked up and kissed me. "I love you." He commented before running off and getting his coat.

I have never been so happy in my life. Hayden makes me happy.

Oh, I never told you about Max, Amanda, Marissa, Zach, and my parents.

Max just graduated high school. He has had a girlfriend, Maya, for two years. He is really happy with her. That makes me happy.

Amanda got married to Adam three years ago and has one child, Mary.

Marissa never got married, but she does have a boyfriend, Jase, who I think will propose anytime now (cue winky face).

Zach has a girlfriend who is just as crazy as himself. Her name is Ashely. They started going out right after I had the twins.

My parents are happy. My father got rid of his lung cancer a year after we heard about it. My mother was so happy.

I'm really happy that everyone is having such a happy ending. None of my happiness would have begun without Hayden.

The Bad boy, summer camp, and I worked together to make it all happen.



It's all over now :( I will miss writing this book for you. If anyone has questions about the contest, inbox me or comment them, and I will make a page/author's note at the end of the book to explain it more thoroughly. Have a lovely day, week, month, and year. I will start writing again soon, hopefully. I love you all! Thanks for reading my book, and thanks for sticking with me through all of the late (very late) updates.


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