20 | The Sun

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On the same day after beating The Lovers, we travelled to Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates from Karachi, India by ship.

Joseph located a car salon he preferred, a Daimler Mercedes Benz car salon, intending to buy a car for us.

While Joseph talked to the car salesman and Polnareff tried to clear a girl at the entrance, Kakyoin, Jotaro and I were sitting on couches near the entrance.

"You know, I feel like a child when you're doing that."
Jotaro remarked as I was carefully cleaning his muscular arms with a wet cloth.

Mercedes provided us a first aid kit for me to take care of Jotaro's slight wounds from his fight with Dan hours earlier.

"You could see it in a different perspective. You're a king and I am your faithful servant cleansing you or something."
I joked, causing Kakyoin to giggle while watching us.

I folded the cloth before carefully placing it on Jotaro's cheek to wash his face and neck.

"I'll do it myself."
He protested while taking off his cap with one hand and taking the cloth with the other.

"Both of your hair is growing visibly longer. Maybe we should ask Mr.Joestar to go visit a barber?"
I suggested, looking back and forth between Kakyoin's red hair and Jotaro's black hair.

"You're right. That's actually a good idea."
Kakyoin replied before Jotaro gave me the cloth back.

"You don't have any major wounds but you have some bruises. Is your hand alright?"
I asked Jotaro while closing the first aid kit.
"It'll be fine."

"Are you finished, too?"
Joseph approached the three of us with some documents in his hand while Jotaro put his cap and coat back on.

"Yes. So, tell us, what car did you get?"
Kakyoin asked Joseph as we stood up to walk to the exit together.
"Hehe, you'll see it once we're out of the salon. The car is being driven to the front for us."

As we walked to the exit, we also walked up to Polnareff who was leaning against another couch, talking to the woman I previously mentioned.

Joseph hit Polnareff's hairdo with the documents, leading Polnareff to turn around and look at us.

"Polnareff, I hate to interrupt when you're obviously so busy, but.."
"Come on, it's time to leave."

Polnareff fixed his silver hair back into a tall flat top while complaining.

"Seriously! Try not to mess with the hair! Do you know how hard it is to make it look this good?"
"As if anybody cares about your hairdo. You're driving."
"Uh.. Righto."

Polnareff turned back to glance at the woman he was talking to.
"Au revoir, mademoiselle."

Without further redo, we left the salon to see a metallic black Mercedes Benz standing in front of us.

"Mr.Joestar? I don't get why we're riding in such a fancy, expensive car in this sandy death trap. Wouldn't it be better for us to get an off-road vehicle instead?"
Polnareff asked Joseph as I stepped up to the car to observe it.

"Even though I really like this car, I have to agree with Polnareff. What's the reason behind this brand new car? Why didn't you take a G-Class?"
I added as I walked up to the other side of the car, looking at the four of them.

"Trust me, there is a method to my madness."
Joseph replied confidently before holding up the car keys to Polnareff.

"Lucky you, Polnareff. Driving in a brand new Mercedes, what a dream."
I remarked before both Polnareff and I smiled at each other while everyone got into the car.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now