35 | January 1989, Tokyo, Japan (TW: light smut) END

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We arrived at the hospital, immediately being treated for our wounds. I only had a small concussion and my stab wounds on my underarms. Joseph had to treat the superficial wounds DIO inflicted on him, whereas Jotaro hat fractured two of his right ribs, a concussion, a broken left shoulder and several bruises.

I was lying on the hospital bed in a single room when the doctor finished bandaging my wounds.
"There you go. Please don't participate in any major physical activities for at least 8 weeks, and take it easy with your arms overall. Don't lift anything heavier than 2kg (4.4 pounds) on one arm as well. Use this cream regularly and your wounds will be healed pretty quickly. You're really lucky that it was only the muscles being hurt."

"Thank you lots. Um, where can I find Jotaro if you know?"
I asked the doctor as I took my hands to myself and put down my sleeves.
"He is in the room right next to us actually, left side. I think he should also be done with treating his wounds, so go ahead and have a look. I would suggest you to rest and stay in bed for now."
"I promise I will rest in a moment, I just wanna see how he is doing."

The doctor smiled at me while moving back in the rolling chair.
I nodded as I stood up, leaving the room to go to Jotaro. I leaned against the door frame when I saw Jotaro resting his eyes, contemplating whether to disturb him or not.

I entered the room, closing the sliding door gently and quietly so not to wake him up. I approached him, sitting down on the chair next to his bed. I looked at his resting face, seeing his facial muscles relaxed, his nose moving from breathing in and out. I put my hand on his, which luckily didn't wake him up.

I smiled to myself before leaning into the chair, closing my eyes to rest as well, not letting go of his hand. Before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep as well.

When Jotaro's hand moved, I immediately opened my eyes, seeing him softly looking at me with his bluish green eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up."

"Oh my heart, Jotaro!"
I jumped up as I hugged him, being careful not to hurt him, tears forming inside of my eyes again as he hugged me back.

"Im so glad you're alright!"
I muffled into his shoulder.
"Just glad, huh?"
He giggled up, leading me to move back and shake my head with a smile on my face.

"I was told that gramps is also doing fine and already organising our plane tickets back home."
"Oh, that's nice to hear. What about Polnareff though?"
"He is still beaten up a bit, he underwent surgery for a nerve that got stuck in his back. We will have to stay a bit for observations, but we will be good to go soon."
"Ah, I see."

I slowly sat down on the chair again, taking my hands back to me when Jotaro took one hand in a slick manner, putting it on the bed with his.

A doctor walked into the room, checking up on us.
"Miss Milewska, Mister Kujo, nice seeing you two together. I hope you're doing well?"
"Well, I'm not as beaten up as Jotaro, but I think we are doing fine, according to the circumstances, right, Jotaro?"

"Good. I just wanted to check whether you're still sleeping or not. If you need anything, call us, alright?"
"Will do."
"Actually, doctor..."
I spoke up as I rose up to my feet again, letting go of Jotaro's hand to approach him.

"You retrieved Noriaki Kakyoin's body, right?"
"Is there a possibility for us to say our final goodbyes to him?"

The doctor nodded slightly, looking up some documents on his chart.
"His body has been cleaned up and was autopsied a few minutes ago. If you wish, I can lead you to him before the funeral preparations set off."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now