13 | Varanasi, India

144 12 3

"Hold it! I finally caught up to ya'."
A familiar voice resounded, causing Polnareff, Kakyoin and me to turn around.

It was Hol Horse.

Initially, we were on our way back to the hotel. There, we hoped to meet up with Joseph and Jotaro, as well as to treat our wounds.

"If you gotta' run, then run like your lives depend on it, it's way more fun. Isn't that right Mr.Centerfold?"
Hol Horse spoke up again after we stood there motionlessly. He shot a few shop windows, hoping to give Centerfold's Hanged Man more reflective objects.
"Better say your prayers, boys, this is where your lives will come to an end. Come at us with everything you've got, alright? It's so boring if you just stand there and die. Right, Mr.Centerfold?"

Kakyoin, Polnareff and I turned to face him with our bodies now. Hol Horse started to look around while calling out to Centerfold in vain again.
"Hey, Mr.Centerfold? Centerfold, aren't you going to play?!"

"I'm afraid he isn't listening anymore, cowboy. He is quite busy at the moment, carrying out his sentence down in hell."
Polnareff told Hol Horse, who was looking at us in shock and a little bit of fright.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey.. don't try to pull that nonsense! Bluffing me won't work. Nice try though. There is no way you could have beaten him! Even I would try my luck against that motherfucker. You know, Polnareff, your sense of humour really stinks."
"That piece of shit's corpse is two or three thousand meters that way if you want to take a look."
"Okay, I will."

Hol Horse started to run away into the direction Polnareff just pointed at, leading us to look at him in surprise.

"Huh?! You're running away?!"
Polnareff yelled out before I sighed.
"Seems like he gave it a second thought.."

We ran after him, but just after he ran into an alleyway, he was shoved back and fell on the ground.

"Jotaro, Mr.Joestar..!"
I muttered as both of them appeared from the alleyway. Kakyoin, Polnareff and I stopped in front of them while Hol Horse was still lying on the ground.

"We know about Avdol.. We didn't have a lot of time to do much for him, but we gave him a proper resting place."
Joseph told us, leading all of us to look down for a moment before turning our attention on Hol Horse.

"The one who stabbed Avdol in the back was the man with two right hands. But the cause of death was Hol Horse's bullet. What should we do with him?"
Kakyoin asked and Polnareff replied to him without a second of wait.
"I'll give him his sentence.."

Polnareff walked up closer to Hol Horse before he summoned his Silver Chariot.

Just when he was about to attack Hol Horse, a woman jumped on top of Polnareff, causing both of them to fall.
"Please run, Sir Hol Horse! I'll hold him up for you! I don't know what exactly is going on here, but I do know I will always protect you!"
"Get off, lady..!"
"You are my everything, darling. Please run! Hurry!"
"Let go of me, stupid bitch! Jotaro! Kakyoin! Caroline! Don't let Hol Horse get away!"

"It's too late."
Jotaro told Polnareff, causing Polnareff to look into Hol Horse's direction.

While Polnareff was struggling against the woman who wouldn't let go of him, Hol Horse grabbed a nearby horse.

"Well said, my little sweetheart! I'll gladly accept your feelings and keep on living! Remember, I'm only running away because I love you, baby!"
Hol Horse yelled while riding away, leaving us behind to watch him.

"Why, you..! Come back here!"
Polnareff shouted out whilst rising up to his feet. The woman still held on to him as he followed Hol Horse.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now