21 | Joseph as a pilot, yet again

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Even though Yarpline was a little village, the hostel we stayed at wasn't shabby.
It was probably because Yarpline was used for the Cessnas by a lot of people that it offered good standards.

The next morning, at around 11am, we decided to meet up at the back of the hotel where the runway for the Cessnas was.

When I left the building, I saw Joseph and Jotaro waiting there already.

"Good morning you two."
I greeted them, approaching them with an innocent smile.

"Good morning, Caroline."
Joseph and Jotaro replied to me while looking at me.

"Are you waiting for the owner of the hotel?"
"Yeah, he went to get the keys for the Cessna already."

"I'm sorry, Mr.Joestar, but right now I am unable to sell the Cessna to you."
A small man approached us.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey! What exactly do you mean you can't sell us the plane now? I seem to recall you taking my money last night, saying it was a done deal?"

"You'll get a full refund. But first, we need to see to a baby with high fever, 39°C. There is no doctor here, so we have no choice to get the baby somewhere else."
"Don't you have another plane around here? You aren't just selling some, are you?"

As Joseph and the owner argued with each other, a woman with a baby walked up behind the owner.

Jotaro and I looked at each other from the corner of our eyes before Polnareff and Kakyoin walked up to us.

"What's up? Some kind of argument?"
Polnareff inquired, looking at Joseph as well.

"A baby.."
Kakyoin muttered, leading us to look at him for a moment before turning back to Joseph.

"The baby's running a fever and since there is no doctor around, they want to take it to one. That's why we can't have the Cessna now."
I informed the other two.

"You can have the plane after it gets back tomorrow night. We can renegotiate and talk prices then."
"Did you say tomorrow night? We have got someone's life on the line like you guys do! We can't spend two days pissing around this place!"
Joseph raised his voice this time while stepping up to the owner.

"So you'd rather let that baby die?"
"No! I.."

"Excuse me, I have a suggestion."
The woman with the baby spoke up, turning all our attention on her.
"We can kill two birds with one stone by having the gentlemen and lady take the baby to the doctor on their way. The Cessna is built for five people, but surely there's room enough for a baby."

"I appreciate your faith in us, but are you absolutely sure about this?"
I asked her, stepping a few steps forward before Joseph spoke up again.
"Just a minute! We can't do that either. It's too dangerous for the baby to come with us."

"I'm sure you will take good care of him. This baby needs help and you have to keep going, so this would be the most efficient way."

And so, we took off with the baby on board.

"I told them this would be dangerous."
Joseph remarked after we lifted off the ground.

"Just take it easy, Mr.Joestar. There is no way a Stand would attack us on a plane flying hundreds of kilometres an hour. I mean, we even made sure the plane isn't a Stand."
Polnareff reassured us before Jotaro spoke up.
"I'm far more worried about the Old Man's flying than an attack from an enemy Stand."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now