31 | Cairo, happy to see you

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"Be careful and try your best not to get lost. We fetched information about Mr. Joestar and the other's location, which is marked on the map here."
The pilot informed Kakyoin and me while handing over a map to us.
"Also, the map displays all Speedwagon Foundation's facilities here in Cairo, in case you need some medical help again."

"Thank you very much, mister. It's really nice you made the effort for us. We hope that you have a nice day!"
I thanked him as both of us bowed down to show our gratitude.
"Now, stay safe, kids."

We nodded at him as he walked away, leaving us free to roam around Cairo and find the others.

"So, Noriaki, how are your sunglasses?"
"Well, I would say they are of help and definitely pleasant to wear, thinking about the sunshine."

"Really, the sun is shining so strong?"
"Well, adding you to the sunshine, yes, it is."

"Oh, come on!"
"What, you really have a nice aura! I'm just saying."
Both of us laughed after I hit his arm in a playful manner.

"Anyway, let's try to find the others and have a look at this map."
I muttered as I opened the map, seeing the red marked area.

"Looks like we have to follow those side streets until we get to the Main Street. From then on, we should be there quick."
Kakyoin remarked as he traced his slim finger on the map.
"Yeah, that would be the fastest way. Let's go then, shall we?"
"Of course, Karolina."

We smiled at each other while I was putting away the map, walking across the street and away from the drop off spot.

"You know, I'm very happy that we came this far, together. All of us are here, stronger than ever, going to face Dio and put an end to all this negativity and Joestar's curse."
"Hehe, Joestar's curse? Yeah, I agree with you."

"Yes, curse. Because, you know, it's unusual to have your great-great-great uncle to steal your grand-grand-grand father's body over one hundred years ago, terrorising the generations to this day, forcing the grand and grand-grand-grand child to fight against that said uncle to put an end to this. It definitely is a curse upon the bloodline of the Joestar's."

Kakyoin shook his head playfully.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Saying all of that at once really makes the head ache, although all of us know as much. I believe that together, we are strong enough to fight off Dio for good."

The weather was very good, and the sun was stinging because the sky was clear. Although Kakyoin and I put on some sunscreen, I think we still might have to worry about a sunburn.

I was really looking forward to seeing the others again. Also, we nearly reached our goal of defeating Dio, so no slacking was allowed!

But I wondered what we will do once we returned home. Avdol probably would stay in Egypt, Polnareff would head home to France, and the rest of us would head back to Japan to check up on Mrs.Kujo. Most importantly, all of us would return to our normal lives.

Even though it was only 49 days - soon 50 days and thus the meeting of our deadline - those definitely felt longer than that, plus, I can't even imagine a normal schedule anymore. Things that we have witnessed, all those deaths, truths, wounds changed us and left an impression.

Still, we can prevent those things and more bad things to happen to others. We can use our knowledge for the better, both together and individually.

Since we nearly reached the deadline, I wonder how Jotaro is feeling. I mean, things could still go the wrong way, although we came this far. Also, his mum's life is at stake, and the way I know him, he never forgets it, it's always at the back of his head.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now