15 | The path we pave

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In the middle of the night, Kakyoin and I switched places. Polnareff then took my place when the sun arose and the others started to wake up.

"We are about to hit the Indo-Pakistani border, I guess it's time to say goodbye to India."
Kakyoin remarked, causing Joseph to speak up fondly.
"You know, I had mixed feelings about the country at first, but now.. I actually kind of miss the hustle and bustle of Calcutta and the frenetic chaos of the Ganges."

"One of these day, I'll be coming back. I owe it to Avdol to give him a proper burial."
Polnareff mumbled, leading me to mutter to myself.

Of course, Polnareff still didn't know Avdol was actually alive. We would keep it that way, for our and Avdol's safety.

"The road is getting narrower."
Polnareff remarked as he slowed down, leading all of us to pay attention to the road. The car ahead of us was also continuously slowing down.
"Out of the way! I'm going to pass this guy."

He accelerated and overtook the car rather aggressively as the road was not made for it.

"Polnareff, calm down."
Kakyoin scolded him.
"Man, this four wheel drive is awesome!"

"You know, that crazy manoeuvre of yours just damaged that poor car."
Joseph informed Polnareff while looking back at the car.
"Yeah? Your point?"
"I'm saying we don't need any more trouble now. I'm wanted because of what happened in Varanasi. I'd like to get across the border in one piece."

While I looked out of the side window in peace, Polnareff made a full brake. I wasn't used to be buckled up while sitting on the backseats, so I wasn't that time either.

I used my legs to push myself back into the seat. Jotaro moved his arm to the side to hinder me from flying forwards until the car stopped.

His reflexes were good, but my vigilance made it possible for me to react promptly as well.

"I just told you something, Polnareff! A crash could be disastrous!"
"I know that! Just.. look who's standing there!"

All of us looked back at the road, only to spot someone familiar standing on the side of it.

"Yare yare daze.."
Jotaro mumbled, moving his hat down to cover his eyes while I smiled to myself in trouble.

"Hey, long time no see, guys. Got room for one more?"
Her voice resounded after she approached the side I was sitting on. I opened the car door for her before speaking up.

"Certainly, Anne. But there is not much room, so you would have to sit on my or someone else's lap."
"Sure. Don't worry about it."

Anne got into the car, sitting down on my lap before I closed the car door again.

"How come you're here, Anne?"
Kakyoin asked her while looking back at us.
"I told you she was a freeloader."
Polnareff remarked while starting to drive again, leading her to sight soundly before replying.

"I was on the same train with you, I only stayed longer on it than you did. I didn't know you would later head the same way, though."

"So you didn't go to visit your father in Singapore?"
Joseph asked her, leading her to look around for a moment.
"I mean, come on, I'm a girl! Soon I'll be wearing bras, doing my nails to get the attention of boys, like Caroline does."

"Oh come on, I wouldn't do that for any boy, Anne."
"My point is this is the only chance I get to be free and see the world, you know what I mean? I feel bad for lying about going to see my dad in Singapore, but let's just forget about that."

"Neglecting school isn't the right way, you know."
I told her while leaning against the car door with my arm.
"Okay. Then tell me what Kakyoin, Jojo and you're doing right now, huh?"

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now