28 | Water against Ice (2)

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Once we touched the ground, the water Stand sunk into the ground and seemingly disappeared.

Problem is, it already heard where we landed, so there is no point in not moving. Despise knowing that, we still didn't move.

Avdol took his arm rings off, a total of five, and threw them ahead of him, one further than the other, imitating footsteps by the looks of it.

As soon as the water Stand reappeared at the end of the last ring, Avdol summoned Magician's Red and attacked the water with fire, but it obviously backlashed.

The enemy Stand got hit but dodged other damage, coming at Avdol and knocking him back.

Avdol was shaking for a few moments before blood gushed out of his throat, leading the rest of us to gasp.

The Stand formed a hand again and seemed to blow another and probably the final attack on him.

"Mr. Avdol, hang on!"
I yelled as I ran up to him. Right in that exact moment, Jotaro also started running.

"Caroline, Jotaro, what are you doing?! You can't just run around!"
Joseph scolded us.

While I knelt down next to Avdol to hold his wounds shut, Jotaro kept running away from us.

The Stand disappeared back into the ground, probably following Jotaro now.

"Good think the enemy isn't pursuing Avdol anymore, but once Jotaro is neutralised, all this was for nothing."
I remarked as I watched him run off into the distance.

Jotaro had the fiercest Stand of us all, if he was to be hurt in this fight, we would practically lose half of our strength.

I saw him picking something up, something black and white as it seemed. Iggy?

"Jotaro, don't stop moving!"
Joseph yelled out when Jotaro stopped.

He knelt down on the ground for a few moments before a small sandstorm around them appeared.

Unmistakably, the object was Iggy.

Iggy's Stand, the Fool, appeared in the sky, and Jotaro used Star Platinum to jump up a decent height and use Iggy to glide in the sky.

"That's brilliant!"
Polnareff remarked, sitting next to Kakyoin who was unconscious.
"If he finds the one controlling the Stand, we might have a chance in defeating him!"

"Caroline, how is Avdol?"
Joseph asked me, leading me to look at him for a moment.

"I can stop the bleeding for a little bit. We really need to hurry up and get some medical care for him and Kakyoin."
"And also for you. How are you feeling?"
"Honestly, I don't even want to think about that."

"Oh no, they're flying lower and lower! This isn't going to end well."
Polnareff remarked.

As Jotaro was getting closer to the ground, he jumped up using Star Plat's leg to be gliding again, exposing his whereabouts to the enemy.

We knew that the enemy was now solely pursuing Jotaro, so Joseph moved closer to me to help out with Avdol.

"All we can do now is trust Jotaro. Isn't that right, Caroline?"
"Of course, but... god forbid something happening to him."
I replied to Joseph, switching my role of putting pressure on Avdol's wounds with him.

I looked at my bloody hands, really wanting to rub my eyes and head instead.

I looked over at Jotaro again, starting to frown.
"Since when is Jotaro on the ground and why is Star Plat about to throw Iggy?"

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now