30 | Dear Karolina, when I die

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When I woke up again, it was definitely morning that time. Luckily.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched myself before finally opening my eyes and pushing myself up on the bed.

Without looking at the clock, I knew it was probably early in the morning, as Kakyoin was still sleeping by the looks of it.

I looked at my hospital's night stand to find some painkillers on it.

I wonder what Jotaro and the others were doing. Was Polnareff still arguing with Iggy? Were Avdol and Joseph talking about potential plans? Was Jotaro smoking again, now that I wasn't present?

Are they in a fight now, or maybe they're relaxing? Are they maybe enjoying their time without me? Since I'm a girl, it might be a little bit weird to be around me.

What am I even thinking about?

I realised I was overthinking too much as a knock on the door resounded.

Two people in a white smock walked in silently, noticing that I turned my head to watch them. Based on their appearance, they're probably doctors.

They smiled at me as the female doctor approached me and the other one walked past my bed to get to Kakyoin.

I followed the other doctor with my eyes, now looking at him and Kakyoin when the female doctor spoke up to me.

"Can't take your eyes off of him?"
She giggled slightly as she put her hand in front of me.

I looked at her and smiled softly.
"I guess I'm worrying about others more than me."

We shook hands as we introduced ourselves.
"Dr. Doyle, nice to meet you."
"Karolina Milewska, nice to meet you."

"My partner's name is Dr. Hamish. He will take care of your friend over there. We are pretty much in on everything, this is a classified mission we're all part of now."
She told me as she took my medical file to look at.

"I was told you also want to become a doctor?"
"Oh? Did Mr. Joestar tell you that?"
"Yes, indeed. He chose us both specifically to take care of you. I'm happy to be taking care of an ambitious girl like you."

She was looking at my vitals while writing them down into my file.

"When was the last time you experienced your period if you have at all?"
"My periods are rather irregular, my last one was some eight weeks ago or so, shortly before Mr. Joestar, the others and I embarked on the journey. But I just started my period yesterday."

"I see, I'll need to run a blood test on you later to be up to date on."

"How is your fever? Are you feeling something?"
"I'm feeling ok, no headache although I feel a little bit warm. The nurse added some painkillers into my IV fluid that are probably still working."

"Yes, I think so, too. You still have glassy eyes and you're pale."
"I'm always pale."

Dr. Doyle laughed for a moment before replying to me.
"Yes, maybe, but you know the difference yourself. Also, your cheeks are consistently red, makes you look cute."
"Oh my."
I said as I placed my hand on my cheek.

"I think we can wait until your IV fluid with its current contents is used up. After that, we will see if you still need some painkillers or not."
"Sounds good. Thank you."

"Also, maybe try to go back to sleep again. It is only 5am and you seem very exhausted still, although you're sleeping a lot recently. Tough few weeks it seems."
"Yeah, the internship at the Speedwagon Foundation is having its disadvantages, but I'm coping."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now