12 | For honour and love

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"For such a tough guy, he sure was easy to finish off. Then again, the end is usually a pretty sudden curtain call, you know. Most folks don't get a chance to say goodbye."
An unknown voice resounded, leading Kakyoin, Polnareff and me to look ahead, seeing a tall man clothed in western style clothing.

"Think of that as a little parting wisdom before I make you croak."
He said while Polnareff wiped away his tears and approached him.

"Polnareff! Don't let him get to you, you're much stronger than that! You still don't get it, do you?! Avdol told you, he begged you not to fight alone! But you.. completely ignored him.. even if it meant dying with your enemy, you're hell bent on getting revenge! He followed you because that worried him, and this is what happened as a result!"
Kakyoin stopped Polnareff with a raised tone as he rose back up to his feet.
"Then tell me, what am I supposed to do?"

"Retreat, Polnareff."
I replied while slowly standing up myself, leading Polnareff to clench his fists.
"Avdol was stabbed in the back mercilessly and didn't have a chance! My sister couldn't defend herself and was killed! You expect me to run away and just forget all this happened?!"

"We don't know their Stands, so how are we going to fight them, Polnareff?! Don't fight a battle that will end up in your demise! Isn't that what Avdol was trying to tell you!?"
I yelled while stepping up a little bit, feeling my heart beat against my chest.

"Oh, come on. Do it, little Pol Pol."
The unknown man spoke up again, leading all three of us to look at him again.

"Why, you..!"
Polnareff gritted his teeth as he raised his fist, ready to strike the man any time.

"Polnareff! Calm down and slowly retreat towards us, got it? That truck is our way out of here."
Kakyoin stopped him from approaching the man further.
"Calm.. calm down you say? How?"

I approached Polnareff and placed my unstained hand on his back, leading him to breathe in deeply before mumbling.
"All right.."

"Hey, Polnareff!"
Another different voice resounded, causing all of us to look around while the western man laughed.

"The window, Caroline.."
Polnareff mumbled only for me to hear, causing me to look at the window on the left he was already looking at.

The figure I saw.. that must be Centerfold's Hanged Man, just like Yellow Temperance's user told Jotaro and me. He really seems to use mirrors and windows.

"It's your fault Avdol died, Polnareff. I think that means you owe him, it only seems fair."
The Stand inside the mirror, Hanged Man, seeming approached us from behind, leading me to turn around only to see.. nothing.

So he really was seen only inside the mirror..! How could he possibly hit us then? Maybe he was only seen in the mirror, but he was actually behind us?

"You bastard.. where is your real body!?"
"Polnareff, calm down!"
Kakyoin stopped him from acting too soon again while taking me by my wrist to gently pull me back.

"There is no need to be sad. Actually, you should be happy! You're about to see your dear friend again. You'll soon be dead, and then you can enjoy afterlife with those two fools, your sister and Avdol. I have to say, your sister was so very sweet.. once you're reunited with her, be sure to ask her how I killed her exactly!"
"Silver Chatiot! Let's slice this bastard up!"

"Polnareff, don't rush it! He wants you to attack, just like earlier!"
I tried to stop him this time, but he smashed the window with his Silver Chariot, in hopes to get rid of Hanged Man, but Hanged Man only appeared in one of the shattered pieces like nothing has ever occurred.

"Your Chariot cannot cut my Hanged Man. I'm in the mirror, where your Stand can't go. That's why.. I'm so close and yet so far away.. Hol Horse, fire away. Let's put an end to this idiot."
While Centerfold spoke, Kakyoin pulled me after him so we could get into the truck behind us.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now