25 | My sight is you

146 11 7

I looked at Jotaro who stared at his hand.

"Brace yourself!"
Avdol's voice made us look at him.
"We're about to hit the bottom!"

I let go of Jotaro in shock and looked at Joseph who wasn't standing stably.

Kakyoin ran up to Joseph while Jotaro put his arm around me, pulling me close to him.

We hit the sea floor only a second after, getting down on our knees because of the momentum.

"I knew this would happen! It's like every vehicle we ride in gets destroyed!"
Polnareff yelled in desperation as all of us slowly got back to our senses.

"Are you okay?"
Jotaro asked me, leading me to look at him.
"Yeah, you?"

"That's it."
Jotaro then said for everyone to hear.
"I'm never riding in a submarine again."

"The submarine is too damaged to make it move again. We will have to get our diving gear before we suffocate."
Avdol informed us while we walked up to him.

"Kakyoin. I need your help. Did you catch which one of those gauges the Stand merged with?"
Jotaro asked him, letting go of me and Kakyoin walked up to the gauges.
"From what I can tell, it looked like it turned into this one."

Jotaro then placed his hand on Kakyoin's shoulder to make Kakyoin retreat and approached the gauges himself.

He summoned Star Platinum again but didn't punch the gauge Kakyoin pointed at. Star Platinum held his hand in front of the gauge, slowly approaching it with it before Avdol yelled.
"Jotaro, it already moved! Right behind Kakyoin!"

Kakyoin immediately summoned Hierophant Green and reached out behind him, but he was slightly too late.

The Stand had a small body compared to its head and arms.

With its claws, the enemy Stand jumped towards Kakyoin, slightly cutting his arm in the process. Jotaro took advantage of that moment and made Star Platinum hit the Stand just in time before it would cut Kakyoin worse.

The Stand let out a deranged screech before it merged into the submarine.

"Everyone, head to the door! The Stand has become part of the submarine's surface."
Avdol informed us before Jotaro spoke up again.
"Kakyoin, are you alright?"

"Let's get to the next room! We will seal this room and trap it inside..!"
Avdol remarked as he touched the door before stiffening in shock.

The Stand morphed into the door handle, startling not only Avdol but us as well.

While Avdol didn't move, the enemy Stand raised its hand to scratch him. If it were to hit him, he would probably be lethally wounded, considering that it easily cut through Joseph's prosthetic hand.

I yelled while making White Snow push Avdol away. It was thoughtless though, because now White Snow would pose the target.

Just when I prepared myself to feel a sharp pain because of my Stand being hit, Star Platinum reached out to grab the enemy Stand.

"Apparently, our little friend here isn't as fast as Star Platinum. So, what should we do with it?"
Jotaro asked while Star Platinum held the Stand in its hands.

"Here is an idea, why don't we rip its little head into two?"
Polnareff suggested while laughing victoriously.
"Fine by me."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now