10 | Doppelganger Noriaki Kakyoin

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"Anyway, you still haven't realised my body has been growing this whole time, have you?"
Fake Kakyoin noted as we noticed him being indeed taller than Jotaro.

The normal Kakyoin was 180cm (6'0) tall and thus around 15cm smaller than Jotaro, who was 195cm (6'5) tall.

"Cut the act then, who are you really?"
I demanded, entering the cable car first before Jotaro followed me.

Maybe this manifestation was already a Stand? But I remember Joseph telling me that Stands can't be normally touched by us unless they're intending to, even as Stand users, and Jotaro just punched him, thus contradicting the statement, or making the enemy smarter than we give credit for. Also, Anne could see this manifestation as well, and she was not a Stand user.

Could it be that this Stand was similar to strength, the freighter Stand we encountered? I mean, the freighter could be touched by us normally and Anne, a non-Stand-user, could see it as well.

The doors to the cable car moved shut, leading Jotaro and me to look at the now closed doors behind us.

"JoJo! Caroline!"
Anne's voice resounded while the cable car started moving already.

"I can merge with any organic matter I consume. I'm a Stand anyone can see and touch, lucky them, don't you think?"
Fake Kakyoin told us before literally melting apart.
"I'm yellow temperance of the Temperance card, gaze upon my handsome face with envy!"

A tall, muscular and shirtless man with slicked back dark hair appeared as Kakyoin melted away completely, exposing himself to be the Stand user.

The yellow substance was lying around the Stand users neck like a scarf.

"Come on, old pal Jotaro, take a good look at your hand. See that little bit of me? It latched on when you hit me and it really doesn't want to let go."
Yellow Temperance's user said as Jotaro and I both observed Jotaro's right hand, the hand he previously punched the Stand user with, only to find a little bit of the yellow substance on his fist.

I took Jotaro's hand by its wrist so I could see if it was somehow spreading before the Stand user spoke up again.
"I advise you not to touch, or it will go after your hand, too, dear girl. This Stand is a slow eater, and the more it eats, the bigger it gets. You'll never get it off!"

"That's what I feared.."
I muttered before Jotaro put my hand away with his other hand gently as he looked over at the enemy Stand user.
"Damn you..!"

Jotaro summoned Star Platinum, sending it out to punch the enemy instantly.

"What do you mean, 'Ora'?! When I digest you, I'll shove your own crap down your measly throat!"
The Stand user said while the yellow slime grew around Star Platinums right fist.

"This stuff burns..!"
Jotaro remarked, leading me to look at him with my eyes wide open.

We had to leave the cable car as soon as possible, and find a way to get rid of the yellow thing.

I used White Snow to punch open a window while turning my body into Jotaro's direction.
"You have to leave, Jotaro!"

As he started to run, he grabbed me with his left unaffected arm before using Star Platinum's legs to jump out of the cable car with me pressed against his chest.
"You're leaving with me."
He muttered while he focused on how and where to land.

"JoJo and Caroline just jumped out of the cable car!"
Anne's voice resounded as she yelled, but since we were a good distance away from her and the station, we heard it only quietly.

He and I looked into Anne's direction for a moment, seeing her talking on the phone inside a phone cell.

Jotaro wanted to get on top of a pillar, but he missed to grab the edge by centimetres, leading him to use Star Platinum to do so and lift us up.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now