17 | Justice, for a kiss

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We headed out of Joseph's room only to see Polnareff go down the stairs.

"Did something happen to you, Polnareff?"
I asked him, leading him to stop and look up at me and the others.
"We heard something strange and came to investigate."

"Same here."
Polnareff answered before continuing to walk down the stairs.
"I was about to check downstairs. I'll be in the lobby. Call me if you find anything."

"I guess we could split up to upstairs then. The rooms downstairs are huge, so Polnareff would have to investigate far less rooms than we would have."
Kakyoin suggested as the four of us turned to face each other.

"Kakyoin, you will come with me. We will take the left hallway. Jo.. Qtaro, you'll go with Kornelia. Take the right hallway."
Joseph decided for us and all of us nodded in agreement.

Jotaro and I headed to the right, walking down the hallway in silence.

"I would suggest to start from the back and work to the front. Or do you want to split up? One starts from the back and one starts from the front so we would meet halfway?"
I inquired while looking up at him. He didn't bother to look down when he replied.
"You'll start from the front, I'll go to the back."

I stopped while watching Jotaro walking down the hallway. Once he entered the room at the end, I entered the room I thought should be the beginning.

The rooms were simple guest rooms, some with one bed, some with a double bed, some with two beds. Apparently, Jotaro's rooms were no different as I caught him moving from one room to the other.

Indeed, there weren't any other guests present except for us. The next room I entered was the storage room.

I casually closed the door behind me before walking further into the room. The furniture was covered in cloths and some closed dusty cartons were around.

I sighed as I approached a huge cloth to carefully move it to the side.
"What the..?!"

There were mannequins with similar holes in their bodies the corpse on the street had. Maybe those mannequins were also lifeless bodies?

I rapidly took the cloth off only to expose even more bodies. I took a few steps back while clenching my fists. Was the enemy Stand user close to us - to me? Or was that old woman our enemy Stand user all along?

In midthought, something barely visible grabbed me by the neck and wrist. I summoned White Snow so she could try and help me loosen up the grip, but it was too late.

I was shoved against the wall, hitting the side of my head before falling on the dusty floor, lying on my side. I tried to stand up, but neither White Snow nor my limbs reacted to my impulses. My sight started to get blurry, so I closed my eyes and retracted my Stand to rely on my other senses.

Shortly after, I perceived something gradually moving closer to me. I instantly opened my eyes while summoning White Snow again.

It was Jotaro who hovered on top of me, supporting himself with his hands on my left and right.

I gasped in surprise before Jotato's face rapidly moved closer to mine. His slim, rough but warm lips were pressed against my soft and small ones.

Maybe we kissed for a little bit too long, but after a few seconds, Jotaro lifted his head up.
"Don't scream, it's me. You'll notify the enemy if you do."

Jotaro moved back while I lifted my upper body up. That idiot stole my first kiss! Additionally, it wasn't even romantic, considering the location with bodies lying around.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now