23 | Long time no see

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Some rescuers of the Speedwagon Foundation found us at our crash site and brought us to Medina, Iran.

We left the baby to the authorities before continuing our journey by car, stopping in a small town at a small house before dusk.

"Hey, Old Man, what's wrong? Were we going the wrong direction?"
Jotaro asked Joseph, leading Joseph to look at all of us.
"Before we arrive in Egypt, we need to make a slight detour. Someone is waiting for us. A man extremely important to our journey."

"But does Someone actually live here? This place looks practically deserted."
Polnareff remarked while all of us looked around the town.

"Pretty much. Mr.Joestar, are we at the correct location?"
I agreed with Polnareffy
"He's been living by himself here. A man told me back in India and I'm sure I heard him correctly."

A man in India? Someone important to our journey is waiting for us?
Only one man important to our journey left us in India.

Joseph went out of the car so all of us followed him out.

Just when we closed the doors behind us, a black, grey haired man jumped out of some bushes, running up to some chickens in a stall in front of the small house.

"From the back he looks.. like Avdol!"
Polnareff remarked before all of us followed the black man.

"Eat up now. Are you hungry, Michael? How about you, Prince? Make sure to get nice and fat so you'll be a tasty chicken, Lionel."
The man spoke to his chicken as we stopped in front of the stall.

"That man.. it can't be..! It's.."
"Hold it. I'll go and talk to him. The rest of you just wait here for now."
Joseph stopped Polnareff from walking ahead before he approached the man himself.

"Go away! I won't hear it!"
The man suddenly yelled at Joseph, sounding just like Avdol would.

"Don't talk to me, got it? No one ever comes to see me when they have actual good news to report, I only get visitors when something terrible has happened! Just shut up and go away!"
The grey haired man continued before turning to look at us, exposing his face.

Polnareff yelled as he tried to step forward, but Joseph stopped him with his arm.
"That isn't Avdol."

The grey haired man walked into the house, slamming the door shut behind him before Joseph turned to look at our shocked faces.

That wasn't Avdol? Is he joking? Is that Avdol's twin brother or what?

"It was his father."

"His father?!"
I remarked in shock as the three of us looked at each other.

"He withdrew from society and lives alone in this village. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to tell you earlier, but if it ever came know to Dio that we stopped at this place, Avdol'a father would be put in grave danger. I would never forgive myself if that happened."
Joseph told informed us before he turned his back to us.
"But for now.. my focus has to be telling him what happened to his son.. that won't be easy."

Did.. Avdol succumb to his injuries? Why didn't Joseph tell us about it sooner? I thought we will only keep it secret from Polnareff?

Polnareff turned away from us with his head down, leading Joseph to place his hand on Polnareff's shoulder.
"Avdol's death wasn't your fault."
"No.. it's entirely my fault. I'll carry that burden for as long as I live."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now